“Accompanying” is an important word for us in the Church, the Pope said, leaving the hills of Molise to thank those who came to see him in Rome and letting them know that they consider their visit a gift to him and to the Church.
C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News
Modernity influenced by worldly dimensions rather than divine dimensions
Recalling that young people from Italy and other European countries were born into a world we call “secularized,” the Pope explained that this culture is influenced more by the realities of this world than by the divine dimension. However, the message shared that within the human heart there is always a thirst for something greater and infinite.
A God who loves questions more than answers
The Pope recalled that they, who grew up with instant information, also seek not only the great questions regarding the origin of us and everything, the meaning of life, but also the causes of suffering in the world, the suffering of babies and innocents that arise in every age. The Pope encouraged them by saying that God likes and loves questions more than answers.
He asked the first two young disciples who followed him on the banks of the Jordan River, “What are you looking for?” Reminding them of Jesus’ question (John 1:38), the Pope told them, “If you ask that question, it means that you are still young even if you are eighty years old, and if you do not ask that, you are old even if you are only twenty years old.”
During his visit to Canada last week, the ancestors of the indigenous peoples he visited lived on the land before colonization. “They live in a very modern and very secular country, but they are custodians of the values and traditions of their ancestors,” the Pope said. The Pope shared that when this young woman in front of him looks at the youth, he remembers the young men and women of the indigenous people. “They are so different from you, yet so similar; I would even say they are like you.”
Christ: The name of the Perfect One we seek
Natives are similar to them in sharing our relationship with freedom, generosity, and self-giving as human beings and with the God who makes us human, with others, with our creatures, and with ourselves. Noting that all those relationships are signs that we are “imperfect,” the Pope said in his message that we yearn for fulfillment, fullness of life, joy and meaning, and that Jesus Christ is the name of that perfection we seek. That is why, a few years ago, the Pope revealed that he decided to write a long letter to the youth of the world “Christ lives” He also referred to those mentioned in the first and second paragraphs of his Apostolic Exhortation.
Christ lives, and He wants them to be alive. He calls them, even if they lose their way, he is waiting for them to come back and start once more, the Pope reminded them. Referring to the disciples and apostles of Jesus, the Pope mentioned that he heard the call of God at the age of 17 and said that it also applies to the children of the Internet age.
Alpha: New Beginnings
Jesus always remains the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the Pope pointed out. Papa told regarding their camp called “Alpha”. Alpha is another word for birth and shared its meanings of a new beginning, the dawn of new life. Christ is “Alpha,” the beginning. But he is also “Omega”. They were told that it is the end, the completion, and the color.
In union with Christ, each of us, as microcosms, can escape the abyss of death and negativity and enter into the creative attraction of God, life, and love. In union with Jesus, each one of them becomes a seed destined to blossom, grow and bear fruit, the Pope exhorted them. For that, the Pope reminded them, we must follow Him by abandoning selfishness, self-centeredness, wanting to appear different from what we are.
With Jesus as our companion who takes responsibility for us
It means being ourselves and seeing ourselves as we are, without puffing up or putting ourselves down, the Pope said, and that is true humility.
The Pope said that when we face the evil around us within ourselves, we should not run away from it, escape from reality, close ourselves to ourselves, but take responsibility for each one of us.
Taking Jesus’ words to carry “our own cross” with love and joy, the Pope said, it is impossible to carry everything by ourselves but when Jesus leads us and we follow him, the Holy Father clarified with Jesus. This gives us real peace and security, the Pope added.
We are in the presence of Jesus who knows us and loves us more than ourselves. He wants each of us to find our unique and personal fulfillment. “To God Photocopynot The originals The Pope recalled the words of Carlo Akutis, an Italian born in England and raised in Milan, who said that the only need is.
To heaven Highway
The Pope said that Carlo was someone like you, a child of this time, with a passion for computers and, above all, love for Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who described it as “the road to heaven”. Although Carlo’s life on earth was short, it was a full life. It was like a race, like a race to heaven… Papa explained.
He set out on that race from the day he met Jesus in the sacrament of his body and blood on the day of his first communion. Because Jesus is not an idea or a moral code. The Pope shared that Jesus is a person, a friend, a companion along the way.
Sending them with this hope and prayer, the Pope concluded his message by wishing that Jesus be your great friend and your companion on the way and that the living Jesus be their life forever.