Brazilian hulk dies, bodybuilder who injected his muscles

This is Valdir Segato, who died at 55 years of age, the Brazilian was recognized on social networks for the comparison that Some Internet users have made him with the character of ‘Marvel’, ‘Hulk’, but also with actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

After his death, some reports have been known that assure that, in past years, during his adolescence the bodybuilder maintained a strong addiction to drugs, which caused the young man to become very skinny, even having the nickname “skinny dog”, so he decided to change his lifestyle by injecting himself with a substance called Synthol.

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According to Doctor César Kálazik: “Synthol, or also called Syntherol, is a mixture of oil (85% medium chain triglycerides or MTC), lidocaine (7.5% local anesthetic) and benzyl alcohol (7.5%) that it is injected directly into the muscle,” the sports medicine specialist at the MEDS Clinic in Chile told BBC Mundo.

The drastic physical change that he had in his life was due to some oil injections that he got to make his muscles grow. Although the “Brazilian Hulk” had more than a million followers on his social networks, as reported, the bodybuilder always led a very lonely life with few friends.

Valdir celebrated his 55th birthday on July 26, 2022, the same day he died. According to some studies that have been carried out on him, the Brazilian would have complained of shortness of breath around six in the morning.

“He came crawling around the back of the house […] so he knocked on my mother’s window, then she woke up and he said ‘help me, because i’m dying’. Then they put him in a car and took him to the UPA, when he arrived, he fell in the reception, I think he had a heart attack, ”said a neighbor.

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His story has been compared to that of Kirill Tereshin, better known as the ‘Russian Popeye’, a mixed martial arts fighter, who also injected himself the same substance in his arms to make them stronger and thus be able to show off in each of his fights as a bodybuilder at 25 years old.

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