Vantage prefers stalking to generalized fighting in Apex Legends

With an overview of the changes on Kings Canyon

Without too many surprises, Vantage is a born shooter who should work wonders with a sniper rifle in her hands. His passive allows him to know the level of body shield of its target, while an indicator will allow to anticipate the trajectory ballistic depending on the distance in a much more instinctive way. Yes, a bit like in Sniper Elite.

Echohis little winged companion, may have been sent in a direction so than Vantage can deploy there quickly (but watch the timing). An ideal tool for taking ascendancy over other participants and take advantage from a high firing point.

Finally, his ultimate power Mark of the Sniper Allows you to mark enemies hit for 10 secondswhich also increases the damage they suffer, but watch out for the big, bright blue laser. Even a lone shooter has the resources to give his team an a-Vantage. Haha…ah.

As a reminder, from season 14 who will be available Tuesday, August 9Respawn Entertainment should slow down on creating new cards to focus on revitalization from those already existing. Predation will for example give pride of place to a Canyon of Kings reviewed and corrected.

Skull Town made a sort of remarkable comeback and many points of interest as Cage will be drastically changed. And that’s without speaking many connections between the areas that are going to be created or withdrawnin the hope of better controlling 3-team skirmishes which tended to burst when you least expect it.



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