Opening the door for students to apply for diplomas and technical institutes in government universities August 7

The Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities announced the opening of the door to applying for diplomas and technical institutes exams for students who obtained a diploma from technical secondary schools “the three-year system”, technical secondary schools “the five-year system” and technical institutes “the two-year system following high school” for admission to faculties (commerce – engineering – law – Agriculture) in government universities for the academic year 2022/2023 from Sunday 7/8/2022, provided that the website is closed five days before the exams date.

The Supreme Council of Universities has set student examination schedules and venues, as the technical diploma examination is held for students who have obtained a commercial secondary school diploma. For the student’s geographical distribution table according to the educational administration issuing the diploma certificate, which is announced on the council’s website. Examinations are taken in sports, first language (English/French), geography and second language (English/French).

The Supreme Council of Universities also announced an examination schedule Technical Institutes For students who have obtained a diploma from commercial technical institutes and a diploma for commercial technical schools, “the five-year system”, which is held in the faculties of commerce at the universities (Cairo – Alexandria – Tanta – Zagazig – Assiut) for students of the “five-year system” graduates of the years 2020 2021, 2022 and who wish to enroll in one of the colleges Commerce in Egyptian universities.

Students of technical institutes will take exams in sports and business studies in English, business administration and accounting, from September 24 to September 27.

The Supreme Council of Universities announced the holding of the technical diploma examination for students who obtained an industrial technical secondary certificate, graduates of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, with a percentage of 70% or more of the total number, and for students who obtained a diploma for industrial secondary schools “the five-year system,” and for industrial technical institutes, graduates of the years 2020. 2021 2022 and those wishing to enroll in one of the faculties of engineering in Egyptian universities.

Exams are held according to the student’s geographical distribution schedule. Exams are held in English, mechanics, physics, mathematics 1, algebra, spatial geometry, mathematics 2, calculus and chemistry. The exams start on Saturday, September 24, and continue until September 29.

The Supreme Council of Universities decided to hold the technical diploma examination for students who obtained an agricultural technical secondary certificate, graduates of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, at a rate of 70% or more of the total number of those wishing to enroll in one of the faculties of agriculture in Egyptian universities.

Students of technical diplomas who have obtained an agricultural secondary school take exams at the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University in sports subjects “Algebra and Trigonometry” Nature, Math “Mechanics” and Calculus, Chemistry and English. The exams start from Saturday 24 September to Thursday 29 September.

The Supreme Council of Universities decided to hold the technical institutes exam for students who obtained a diploma in agricultural technical institutes and a diploma in agricultural technical schools, “the five-year system” for graduates of the years 2020, 2021, 2022, which is held at the Faculty of Agriculture – Ain Shams University for those wishing to enroll in one of the faculties of agriculture in Egyptian universities. Exams in Chemistry, English and Biology and start on September 27th until September 29th.

While the exam for technical institutes is held for students who have obtained a diploma in technical commercial institutes “Law Division” graduates of the years 2020, 2021, 2022 at the Faculty of Law – Ain Shams University for those wishing to enroll in one of the faculties of law in Egyptian universities, in the subjects of the entrance to legal sciences, principles of constitutional law and one of the two languages. English or French.” Exams start on Tuesday 27 September until Thursday 29 September.

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