For the past month, merchants have had to offer a means of electronic payment: is the measure well followed?

The measure came into force just a month ago: since July 1, all merchants are required to offer you an electronic means of payment. They can choose to do so via a terminal, an app, or an electronic transfer. One month following the entry into force of this measure, we wanted to take stock of it.

The measure is relatively well followed by traders. In any case, only 103 complaints arrived at the Ministry of the Economy, one month following the entry into force of this obligation. These complaints come from 103 customers, who were unable to pay electronically at a supplier, a notary, an accountant, or in shops.

The reports are then analyzed. If the absence of an electronic payment terminal is confirmed, the merchants at fault will not yet be sanctioned. For the moment, the procedure provides for a warning, a kind of call to order, to require the offender to comply with the law.

Ultimately, a fine of up to 80,000 euros will be claimed. The electronic terminals authorized are quite wide: the classic bancontact, but also a payment application by telephone, or the possibility of making a transfer.

That said, the obligation to offer at least one means of electronic payment does not exempt merchants from accepting cash. Except in exceptional cases: if these tickets represent a risk to the safety or health of store employees. Or if the trade is fully automated, so there are no staff to receive your change.



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