Venezuelan survivors of the accident in Nicaragua had to leave the shelter due to threats of deportation

Nicaraguan Venezuelans
15 Venezuelans and 1 Nicaraguan died in an accident in Estelí Photo: Oswaldo Rivas / AFP

The newspaper The Nicaraguan Press denounced this Wednesday that the Venezuelans who survived a bus accident in that country were threatened by the Police dependent on the Mayor’s Office of Estelí, related to the central government of Daniel Ortega, and that the shelter where they were was closed.

According to the information collected by the media, officials asked the Venezuelans to leave a shelter that was installed near the San Juan de Dios hospital. In that health center some victims continue to receive medical care.

Shelter closed for Venezuelans in Nicaragua

The shelter was an initiative of a priest and for his action he was also intimidated for allegedly committing illegality.

“Although neither the Mayor’s Office of Estelí nor other state entities guarantee the basic conditions for the Venezuelan survivors and relatives of the victims of the bus accident that last week plunged into an abyss on the Cucamonga hill, the police intimidate and threaten some people who try to help them, “said La Prensa de Nicaragua.

And he added that the police officers also told the Venezuelans to remain in the place “at any moment” immigration agents would arrive to deport them. Reason why they left the place.

Transferred to a hostel thanks to the solidarity of a local

A Venezuelan interviewed by La Prensa indicated that fortunately a local decided to help them.

“Thank God, a lady transferred us to a hostel and she is paying for everything,” said the Venezuelan, who hopes that one of her companions will be discharged so that she can continue her trip to the United States.

Others affected indicated that they were afraid that the threats of deportation would materialize, despite the fact that they paid the $150 fine required in Nicaragua for entering that country.

Said fine grants only 72 to transit in Nicaraguan territory. However, the Venezuelans stressed that their delay is not due to their will but to the unfortunate accident in which 15 Venezuelans and 1 Nicaraguan lost their lives. At least 60 more people were injured and lost their belongings and identity documents.

In addition, some of those affected who remain in Nicaragua are waiting for the repatriation of the bodies of their relatives to be confirmed.

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