The ancient music player Winamp will be updated after four years

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Unexpectedly, following four years of silence, the ancient MP3 player artifact Winamp An update was released recently.brand new 5.9 RC1 Build 9999 The version claims to have gathered a lot of hard work from the development team (it also suffered a pause due to the epidemic in the middle). Although the appearance has not changed much, it has added practical functions such as iTunes music library import, wireless synchronization with the Android version of Winamp, and is compatible with Windows 11. And replaced the new development platform.

As the king of players at the beginning of the music download era, Winamp back then supported a wealth of formats and incorporated a lot of custom elements. In 2014,Radionomy Bought it from Engadget’s former parent company, AOL, with the intention of bolstering its streaming service. Radionomy has also recently announced that it will allow Winamp to provide a “completely different” experience on podcasts and radio functions, and promises to maintain a closer relationship with the artist. Perhaps this is the opportunity for this update of Winamp, but in any case, the launch of the new version will probably touch the nostalgia of “old” netizens.



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