10 products to control redness

If we suffer from redness on the cheeksnose, forehead or chin, a rosacea cream can make a big difference in our beauty routine. It is a common skin condition and is visible when any part of the body begins to blush. The American Academy of Dermatology explains that it is a frequent problem and that it usually occurs more in people with fair skin, while women are more likely what men. However, this is not a maxim and anyone could suffer from it at some point in his life.

What cream is good for rosacea?

The best rosacea creams for skin care, are those that have soothing, relaxing, or moisturizing ingredients, such as caffeine, hyaluronic acid, licorice extract, squalene, thermal water, D-Panthenol, Java tea, bamboo or niacinamide. We remind you that it is vital to moisturize your face if you have red or oily skin, as this will reduce irritation. According to the American organization, products for sensitive skin that help moisturize or repair the skin barrier make a noticeable difference.

How to get rid of rosacea forever?

The causes that cause rosacea are attributed to hereditary factors but it is not yet known for sure what causes it. Therefore, it is not possible to eliminate it forever, but it is possible to use specialized products to control and reduce its appearance.

What is the best treatment for rosacea?

Dermatologists suggest to treat rosacea skin Cleanse the face twice a day gently before going to sleep and when waking up. choose a mild soap for sensitive skin and use the fingertips to gently massage. Then continue with hydration, which is key to retaining water and reducing irritation. End the routine with a high factor facial sunscreen to protect you from UV rays throughout the day. If your condition is severe, it is best to visit a specialist.

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