Hong Kong Government 6 Statement Strongly Condemns Pelosi’s “Visit” to Taiwan

特區政府 (Photo by Simon Jankowski/NurPhoto via Getty Images) (NurPhoto via Getty Images)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taipei last night and started her visit to Taiwan. The Hong Kong government responded by issuing 6 statements in a row within 8 minutes late at night. For Pelosi’s “visit” to Taiwan, he “resolutely opposes and strongly condemns”; the Security Bureau expresses “strong objection”; Secretary for Justice Lim Ding-kwok said in a statement that Pelosi’s “visit” to Taiwan was “intended to hinder We are deeply indignant and condemn the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.”

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s “Mandarin Dictionary”, “Chang” (Cantonese pronunciation Chuan) means to escape or hide; while in the political and military context of mainland China, “Chang” means to run away or flee, most of which describe gangsters , the actions of the enemy. The Chinese version of the six Hong Kong government statements all directly quoted the Chinese statement and described Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan as “visiting”, but in the English version of the statement, all the actions were described as “visit”.

Li Jiachao’s statement: Actions undermining the stability of the Taiwan Strait “take more than 20 million people in Taiwan as a bet”

Chief Executive Li Jiachao’s statement was first released at 11:57 last night. He pointed out that Pelosi’s “visiting” Taiwan, blatantly provoking the one-China principle, seriously undermined China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously threatened the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and seriously threatened the Taiwan Strait. Violating the basic norms of international relations, he also accused his actions of “increasing the awareness of ‘Taiwan independence'”, “undermining the stability of the Taiwan Strait and betting on the more than 20 million people in Taiwan, which is a selfish act that despises the well-being of the people in Taiwan”, and that the SAR government is “anti-” “Taiwan independence” has a firm will and a clear position”; the SAR government’s statement said that it fully supports the central government’s opposition to any external forces interfering in China’s affairs, and will fully cooperate with the country’s measures to the United States.

Chen Guoji’s statement: The United States has “backtracked” on the Taiwan issue

Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Kwok-kee’s statement mentioned that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan “blatantly disregarded the serious concerns and solemn position conveyed by the Chinese government on many occasions.” He also pointed out that the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm in international relations and a general consensus of the international community. “The United States claims to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country, but backtracks on the Taiwan issue.”

Chen Maobo’s statement: U.S. inflation is high, government politicians are “diverting attention” by making waves on the Taiwan issue

Financial Secretary Chen Maobo’s statement mentioned, “At present, inflation in the United States is high, racial discrimination and confrontation are serious, and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge. The US government and politicians are not concentrating on handling domestic problems, but instead are making waves on the Taiwan issue, which is an attempt to divert Eyesight to cover up the sharp contradictions of the native country’s inferior tactics”. Chen Maobo also described that when the current global economic environment is uncertain and geopolitical tensions continue to rise due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, “the United States has made provocative actions irresponsible and reckless of the consequences, with despicable means and bad influence, which will inevitably make the situation in the region even more tense. , bringing greater volatility and instability to the global financial and asset markets, impacting the already extremely fragile global economy,” and criticized the United States, on the one hand, “earning huge economic benefits in China, while attempting to curb China’s development. If you create trouble on the issue and intensify the conflict, you will surely suffer the consequences.”

Lin Dingguo’s statement: Taiwan and Hong Kong are inseparable parts of China

The statement by Secretary for Justice Lam Ding-kwok mentioned that the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China is the fundamental law of the country and the most important part of the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Part of the sacred territory of the People’s Republic. It is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, to complete the great cause of reunification of the motherland.” Both Taiwan and Hong Kong SAR are inseparable parts of China.

Security Bureau Statement: Safeguarding national security is a country’s internal affairs

The Security Bureau’s statement pointed out that “the US politician’s insistent visit to Taiwan is an attempt to challenge national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.” The barbaric and unreasonable acts of bullying seriously violate international norms and at the same time grossly interfere in China’s internal affairs.”



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