A simple herb that has baffled modern medicine.. It strengthens memory and brings back youthful youth within a short period and has many hidden benefits!! (Know it and how to use it)

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It is one of 11 slow-growing classes of herbs and perennials with fleshy roots, usually growing and spreading in cold climates.

It is also one of the natural herbs that is characterized by its curative properties, as it is used in the composition of many medical drugs and cosmetics. Traditional Chinese medicine has also used ginseng, since ancient times, as a sedative, relieving anxiety and tension and in treating insomnia. These are its main benefits:

Memory booster:

The ginseng herb is famous for its uses to improve thinking, increase the ability to focus, enhance memory, and as a tonic with a strong effect, contributing to the removal of stress and chronic fatigue, and it is recommended by athletes to increase their endurance and physical performance.

And not only that, as what was shown by experiences and studies regarding the benefits and uses of ginseng was as follows, according to what was published by (Therapeutic Research Center) regarding the proven benefits of ginseng and following several reviews:

Alzheimer’s treatment:

A study has shown that taking ginseng roots daily for 12 weeks improves memory and mental performance in Alzheimer’s patients.

Enhancement of mental functions:

It was found that eating ginseng contributed to enhancing mental processes from calculation, thinking and reactions as well, as evidence and some studies showed that a mixture of ginkgo leaves and ginseng had an effect on enhancing memory in people aged between 38-66 years.

Lung disease treatment:

Taking ginseng contributes to enhancing and improving lung function and reduces the symptoms of some lung diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and reduces the risk of influenza, as it was found that taking ginseng along with antibiotics contributes to increasing its effectiveness in killing microbes and pathogens. .

High blood pressure treatment:

Some studies have shown evidence that eating ginseng has contributed to lowering blood pressure levels for people with it by slightly.

Inflammatory treatment:

Some studies have shown that the ginseng plant contains ginsenosides, which are characterized by their anti-inflammatory properties, which increase the ability and effectiveness of the antioxidants we get from foods in the treatment and prevention of arthritis. Another study conducted on 18 young men who took 2 grams of red ginseng three times a day for a week confirmed that following looking at the results of testing levels of inflammatory markers following warm-up exercises, these levels were lower than in the second group that did not take ginseng.

It also found that red ginseng is characterized by its ability to reduce the severity of infections suffered by people with skin diseases, such as eczema.

Improve brain function:

One study announced that components in ginseng, such as ginsenoside compounds, are able to protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals.

And researchers found, following they conducted a mental test on 30 people who took from 200 to 400 milligrams of ginseng, that they were more effective in collecting points, as well as higher rates of focus and attention.

The researchers pointed out that the ginseng plant enhances the body to absorb sugar in the blood by cells, which contributes to improving performance and reducing mental stress.

Erectile dysfunction treatment:

Some research has reported that ginseng may be a useful alternative for treating erectile dysfunction in men, as it contains compounds that protect once morest oxidative stress in the blood vessels and tissues of the penis, and help restore normal function.

She also added that ginseng may stimulate the body to produce nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes the muscles of the penis and stimulates blood circulation in the body.

One study found that men treated with red ginseng had a 60% improvement in ED symptoms, and another study showed that 86 men complied with recovery from erectile dysfunction following taking 1,000 milligrams of ginseng extract for 8 weeks.

Immunity booster:

Ginseng works to strengthen immunity, which reduces the chances of disease, and this is confirmed by some studies, where they found that this herb works to enhance the immune system of cancer patients undergoing surgery or chemotherapy, following trying it daily for two years on 39 people who were recovering from Gastric tumor removal.

Another study indicated that people who take ginseng can have a 35% higher chance of living a disease-free life for five years following curative surgery and a 38% higher survival rate compared to those who do not take it.

Reducing menopausal symptoms:

Some research indicated that ginseng may contribute to alleviating and reducing some symptoms of menopause and improving the quality of life, by reducing fatigue, depression, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances.

Beneficial for the skin:

Some studies have shown that the ginseng herb is of great importance to skin health, as it contributes to the treatment of acne and skin pigmentation, and is characterized by its ability to regenerate damaged skin cells.



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