Hermès Hermès handbags have always been the dream bags of all girls, and the most valuable investment must be the Himalaya Nile crocodile handbags. As the king of Hermès, it is firmly seated as the most expensive handbags in auction history. Last year, the international auction house Christie’s broke the record for the most expensive handbag in the history of global auctions by selling a Himalayan Kelly 28 diamond handbag for HK$4 million! However, the news that the second-hand price of Hermès handbags has dropped recently is very surprising!
Second-hand prices of Hermès handbags plummet
This year’s luxury market is really a cold winter! Since the price of Rolex watches dropped in March, the prices of Hermès handbags, which have always been valuable, have also begun to plummet.
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These entry-level models have fallen the most!
And Hermès is different from Rolex. Popular models are not affected much, but some basic entry models have suffered a large decline, such as some series such as Lindy, Evelyne and Herbag. In addition to styles, second-hand luxury stores said that in addition to series and bag styles, black and small handbags are also more valuable.
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According to media reports in the mainland, the main reason for the slump in Hermès is that due to the impact of the epidemic, the consumption power and willingness of Shanghai people have plummeted. After the epidemic has stabilized, there has been no retaliatory consumption. It’s easy to buy, so it’s not that much of a hedge. A second-hand luxury store owner said that he received a large number of inquiries regarding the price of Hermès handbags being recycled every day. The upsurge of buying brand-name handbags for investment is no longer there. More and more people are “waiting for money laundering” and have no confidence in the price of Hermès handbags, so they sell bags to survive, even the sky-high price of Hermès Himalayas. There are also media reports that many second-hand luxury stores in Shanghai have closed down due to the epidemic.
Shanghai is shocked to find that the Himalayan tide is too sold!
Many wealthy wealthy ladies in Shanghai have cashed in Hermès handbags. Recently, there was a wealthy lady who was doing foreign trade business. Because of the setback in business, it was no longer interesting to keep famous brand handbags at home. She had to sell more than ten Hermès handbags that her husband gave in the past. , in exchange for money. Even the Himalaya Nile crocodile handbag, which is firmly seated as the most expensive handbag in the history of auctions, has become a trend in Shanghai. Some second-hand luxury shop owners have recycled 6 Himalaya handbags this year, the number is more than last year, but also Only 2 were sold, and the price was 10% off, which is shocking!
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