Afghan setback, economic slowdown, China conflict; America’s plan to save face from setbacks World | Deshabhimani

Even when America is hailing the killing of the Al Qaeda leader as a victory, there are allegations that this is an attempt to save face from the recent setbacks. The shame of having to withdraw from the invasion of Afghanistan in the name of revenge for the 9/11 attacks has not yet left President Joe Biden and his cohorts.

After a two-decade-long occupation, the United States, one of the world’s largest economic and military powers, withdrew from Afghanistan, effectively handing the Taliban back control. We had to admit that Al Qaeda would soon be active in the country.

During the occupation period, Al Qaeda expanded its operations to other continents and had to watch helplessly.
Zawahiri is the last straw for Biden to regain public confidence amid reports that the country is headed for an economic recession. Like other presidents, Biden is making good use of the anti-terror campaign to divert the world’s attention from the recession and recapture the trust of Americans.

As the conflict with China continues to intensify, the American goal is to create the impression that it is still the dominant power involved in Asia. The move comes alongside various alliance moves to counter China’s growing influence in Asia.

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