Retinal detachment, macular degeneration | eye stroke | bloodletting | macular degeneration

fundus hemorrhageIt refers to the rupture of a blood vessel on the retina at the bottom of the eyeball, which causes no abnormality in appearance, and the patient does not feel pain. However, this can directly affect the patient’s vision, causing visual field defects, and even blindness in severe cases.

usuallyfundus hemorrhageIt came quickly and urgently, and treatment must be sought as soon as possible. In this regard, Wu Guobin, director of Xinyitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, has a unique method that can quickly restore eye health. He said that this method can not only effectively treat fundus hemorrhage, but also treat retinal detachment,macular degenerationAnd other eye diseases, but also has a good health care effect. The following is the essence of Wu Guobin’s interview:

What is the cause of fundus hemorrhage? How to treat?

Fundus hemorrhage is a very urgent condition. The cause is usually high blood pressure, which is caused by high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels in the fundus. In addition, there may be accidents and injuries.

The treatment method of Western medicine is to inject drugs to dissolve the blood clots in the fundus, and the patient must go through several injections of drugs.

And Chinese medicine has a special way to treat fundus hemorrhage, that is, in the earbloodletting. At first glance, this may surprise you.

In fact, this method isear pointInvented by expert Professor Huang Lichun, it has a very magical effect on fundus hemorrhage.

Taiwan traditional Chinese medicine doctor’s eye bleeding earbloodlettingHealed following 2 times

I used to take Mr. Huang Lichun’s class before, and there was a Taiwanese TCM practitioner in the class who always wore a blindfold. The teacher thought it was very strange, and only following asking did he find out that he had blood in the fundus of his eyes, which caused part of his vision to be blocked by black shadows and might not be seen.

Later, the teacher asked the teaching assistant to help the doctor bleed the ear, and thenear pointA special magnetic bead was attached, and bloodletting was performed once more following a week. A miraculous thing happened – following the doctor received 2 treatments, the bleeding in the fundus was cured! This surprised me a lot.

The miraculous case is not only one case, but another teaching assistant in the class also shared with us his experience in treating fundus hemorrhage.

One day, without any warning, the father of the teaching assistant suddenly became completely blind, presumably caused by hemorrhage in the fundus of the eye.eye strokecaused. At that time, he had an idea to think of the bloodletting skills taught by his teacher, so he helped his father to bleed from his ears every day. After a week of treatment, his father was able to see once more.

Ear bleeding to treat fundus hemorrhage choose ear tip and wheel 4

Where exactly does the ear bleed? What are the steps? The following instructions:

1. Before bleeding, massage the ear until it is engorged.

2. Take the uppermost edge of the ear (the tip of the ear) as the center point, and then take 2 points before and following it (5 points in total).

Schematic diagram of acupoint selection for bloodletting at the tip of the ear: Take the tip of the ear and 2 points at the front and back. (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)

3. Use a syringe to prick the bleeding at the above 5 points.

4. Push, pull and squeeze the ear to help smooth bleeding.

5. Use a damp alcohol pad when wiping blood, as alcohol prolongs the clotting time and allows the ear to bleed continuously. The bleeding can be stopped following regarding 3 to 4 cotton balls are collected.

6. After the ear tip is bleed, you can also use the same method to take the wheel 4 and the 4 points before and following it on the wheel 4 (the name of the auricular point).

Schematic diagram of bloodletting in wheel 4: Take wheel 4 and 2 points in the front and back.  (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)
Schematic diagram of bloodletting in wheel 4: Take wheel 4 and 2 points in the front and back. (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)

Some people may be worried, will this bloodletting cause excessive blood loss? In fact, the amount of bleeding from 3 to 4 cotton balls is very small, and there is not much danger. However, people who are physically weak and severely anemic should use this method with special care.

According to my clinical experience, following the first bloodletting of fundus hemorrhage, the field of vision blocked by the shadow can be reduced by one-third. The second bloodletting, there is a chance to restore half of the vision. Until the 10th bloodletting, most patients can recover 8 to 90% of their visual acuity.

Bloodletting from the ear is not just for treating fundus hemorrhages. any eye disease, including retinal detachment,macular degenerationUsually bleeding in the ear can also achieve a good maintenance effect.

However, it is recommended not to operate on your own, and try to find a professional Chinese doctor to perform it will be safer.

Ear bleeds for eye disease science still can’t explain

Some people may be very confused, what is the principle of using ear bleeding to treat fundus bleeding? In fact, the logic is very simple, it is to clear the blood.

The ears are very close to the eyes, and if they go into the skull, they are exactly the fundus of the eyes. The qi and blood circulation of the human body circulates with each other throughout the body. Therefore, bloodletting in the ear can open the channel of energy, make the blood clot in the fundus start to activate, and start the repair mechanism. It’s like opening an outlet in a blocked lake and letting the water out.

Some people may think that such an explanation is too far-fetched, and cannot be fully explained from the perspective of modern science or Western medicine. But I don’t think it matters whether it’s far-fetched or not, the point is that it’s a clinically effective treatment.

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Responsible editor: Liu Yanxin



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