Ricardo Montaner was moved by a participant from La Voz Argentina: “You have carried the procession inside for a long time”

Ricardo Montaner was moved by a participant from La Voz Argentina (Video: Telefe)

Mau y Ricky they had a difficult task when deciding who would continue in his team when seeing the performance of Amandicia y Julieta Celiz who shined singing the theme You make me feel like a natural woman in The Argentine Voice. Among his colleagues, even, opinions were divided. Y, while Lali Esposito He leaned for the first, Ricardo Montaner he put his vote to the second and Soledad Pastorutti He assured that he might not risk it for either of them.

The truth is that, when making a decision, the duo of brothers decided on Juliet. But she asked the rest of the coaches to “steal” Amandicia, who surprised her with her parting words. “For me this means a lot of work and a lot of love towards my profession, towards entertainment and towards music. I militate a lot once morest fat people, people who were discriminated once morest because of their bodies. And living that, was always the energy, the strength and starting from the depths you have, to bring it out and make people say: ‘How much energy you have!’ Or do a split and they say: ‘Ah, you can spread your legs!’ happens to me For me, it is an honor, it is a pleasure and it is a flag that I always carry. And this is just the beginning”, she said without losing her smile for a moment.

Immediately, all the members of the Telefe reality show jury joined in applause. “Show yourself like you showed yourself today on the show, that people love you. And, surely, you’re going to have a great career”, he told him then Marley. And he invited her to go say hello to the coaches, hoping that one of them would touch her button to take her to her team. Something that, finally, Montaner did.

Amandicia and Julieta Celiz sing “You make me feel like a natural woman” on La Voz Argentina (Video: Telefe)

Shouting, Amandicia ran back to the studio and merged into a hug with the Argentine-Venezuelan singer-songwriter. And, while all those present were celebrating, Ricardo told him: “Stop right there, I’m going to tell you something”. “You were out of the contest for ten seconds!” The cycle driver told her as he invited her to go back on stage to listen to Montaner.

“I want to tell you why I did it. Without a doubt, you have enormous talent and everyone here has recognized it. It’s too much for me to tell you that. But since the battle began, I felt that you fought more. And I also felt what you came to tell at the end. I feel that you have been fighting this for many years. And that those jumps of yours and that energy that you put is nothing more than a defense”, began the interpreter of He is going to miss me.

And he continued: “It is a screen that you put up so that people see you cheerful, happy and believe that you overcome anything. But as my old lady used to say, the procession goes inside. You have led the procession inside for a long time. But what I rescue most of all is that, with all that, you carry your talent upright and you carry your talent as a flag. And that should be your flag. Not the other. Your flag is the talent you have. Because with talent, with that gift that God gave you, the rest doesn’t matter. The rest is not important. So I welcome you back. And, from now on, we are going to manage that energy exclusively so that you can sing better. Because you don’t need anything else. You are a great performer and that’s what matters.”




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