Latest house 2 news for today August 2, 2022

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today 02 August 2022:

  1. Elucidation of the consequences of the celebration of the birth of the daughter of Alexei Bezus and Tatyana Repina in the meadow continues. Repin is criticized for bringing a baby 5 days old to the perimeter, no one is surprised by Bezus’s behavior.
  2. Alexey Adeev finally broke off relations with Anna Samonina and is waiting for his girlfriend Nastya Stetsevyat on the project.
  3. The epic began with the divorce of the Nikolaichuk spouses in the glade of House 2. Artur Nikolaychuk left the project, Gorina files for divorce and remains to wait for a new love.
  4. Artem Grant left not only Claudia Bezverkhova, the new Natasha, with whom he had already “magic”, but also found another passion outside the perimeter. Will they let her into House 2 or will they send Theme to her?
  5. Anastasia Romashova-Bigrina is selling her wedding dress in an auction on social networks. Nowhere to store or the newlyweds urgently need money?
  6. Ilya Yabbarov, who is rushing to House 2, is afraid of losing his wife Anastasia Gold if he comes as a participant.
  7. Olga Buzova begins a tour of the cities of the Krasnodar Territory with her show “Here I am”. Will there be a crowd?
  8. Latest house 2 news from for today 08/02/2022 – Irina Pinchuk and Arai Chobanyan with their son David flew to Sochi on vacation and share the details of the trip.



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