First Social Management of the department will bet on the social welfare of Caldense families from the inside

Camila Castillo Camacho, first Social Manager of the Department, presents her strategy From Doors to the Inside, a program with which she will seek to articulate and make visible different actions to impact the quality of social life of families in the municipalities of Caldas.

What is the Inside Door Strategy?

From doors to the inside is an articulation strategy for social management aimed at Caldense families, which is led from my office in coordination with the secretariats of Integration and Social Development and Housing, with which we will seek to generate strategies that allow us to create and strengthen protective environments where girls, boys, young people, women and men are in loving, safe family settings and with assertive life projects.

In addition to the secretariats that are part of the Government of Caldas, what other support will you and your work team have to carry out the strategy?

This will be an exercise in collaborative governance where we will seek to integrate the mayors of the municipalities, NGOs, organizations, and academia, but without a doubt our greatest allies will be the municipal managers, who are key players in carrying out actions to prevent cultural violence and structures in each of its municipalities. Here we will all be protagonists and allies.

How will Inside Doors benefit families?

It will support the Housing Revolution program, working for the comprehensive well-being of Caldense families, promoting practices for good family living that will contribute to the reduction of structural, cultural and direct violence. The greatest benefit will be personally, emotionally, and assertively managing conflicts, where families will acquire tools for assertive conflict transformation. We want to see happy families with dignified lives and in peace.

In which municipalities and from when will they start with the visits to carry out the strategy?

The strategy has already started, from the planning of activities, and the meeting with those who will be our allies. Now we will go to the municipalities with Expofamilias and the Ruta del Buen Trato with which we will announce the institutional offers of the departmental and national order. Likewise, we will carry out accompaniments, workshops with families, girls, boys and young people, ending with the delivery of the corners of calm and loving upbringing.

Our tours will start in Chinchiná, then we will go to Anserma, and La Dorada. The idea is that the 27 municipalities of Caldas have corners of calm and loving upbringing, as a management strategy and emotional education at the family level.

What are the corners of calm and loving nurturing?

They will be spaces that we will adapt in strategic places so that children and young people can visit them accompanied by their families. There they will be able to learn regarding emotional education, and learn regarding different tools to manage their emotions in a fun, comprehensive and easy way. I hope to be able to leave a grain in the families of our department that gives us so much to all of us.

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