The old woman cried about the daughter-in-law who was abandoned by her son and vomited her ugly true face: she imprisoned her own child for 9 months | INTERNATIONAL | CTWANT

The older generation of Chinese society often has the concept of raising children to prevent old age, but this concept is increasingly challenged. An elderly woman surnamed Li in Hebei, mainland China accused her son and daughter-in-law of abandoning her and was unwilling to take care of her, but her daughter-in-law and a woman surnamed Liu were shocked. Previously, the old woman not only sued her son and daughter-in-law When he went to court, his son was detained by the police station for 9 months, and he even abandoned his grandson on the roadside for the night, which caused the parent-child relationship to fall out.

According to a comprehensive report on, the old woman surnamed Li found a TV station for help one day, saying that her son and son abandoned her alone and was unwilling to take care of her. She hoped that the TV station might help. To this end, the TV station hired a mediator and went to the door to understand the situation, but the daughter-in-law surnamed Liu countered the accusation. It was because of her mother-in-law’s absurd behavior in the past that the parent-child relationship broke down.

The daughter-in-law surnamed Liu accused the husband and wife of being very poor following marrying the son of Mrs. Li, so the parents-in-law decided to help, they contracted an orchard and bought the fruit seedlings, and told the couple to work hard and promise to sell the children when they matured. The proceeds go to the couple to live. Unexpectedly, following the couple worked hard for a period of time, the fruit finally matured. At this time, the parents-in-law suddenly turned around and said that they paid for the orchard and the saplings, and asked the daughter-in-law and the couple to ignore the proceeds from selling the fruit.

The old woman surnamed Li sued her son to the court, but now she asks her son and his wife to take up the responsibility of support. (Picture / Retrieved from Luwang)

Not only that, a few years ago, when the corn on my mother-in-law’s farm was ripe, she told her son and his wife that they would be divided into half for helping to harvest the corn, so the son asked several relatives to help with the corn harvest. Unexpectedly, the work was only halfway through. Several police officers showed up, accusing them of destroying crops in other people’s fields, and took the entire group to the police station.

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At that time, Liu Nv went home to get the bag, so she escaped, and later learned from the police that it was her mother-in-law who reported her husband. The reason was that she thought her son was harvesting his own crops without permission, so she accused her son of stealing, and then more He directly brought his son and a group of relatives who helped to the court. Although the court later acquitted Mrs. Li’s son and relatives, they had been imprisoned for nine months before the trial results came out.

Because of this incident, Mrs. Li’s son and relatives cut off relations with her one following another. It was not until recently that Mrs. Li got older and began to have difficulty moving. The daughter-in-law ignored her and demanded that the couple must take care of her old age.

After listening to the matter, the mediator invited by the TV station said that emotionally, he did think that the couple did not need to support Mrs. Li, “but the law stipulates that no matter what the reason is, you must support the elderly. If you have any complaints, there will be What kind of hatred, forget it first. You should take the responsibility of supporting the elderly first.”

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