◀ anchor ▶
Let’s talk more regarding the situation of the people’s power with Kim Min-chan, a reporter from the political team.
Reporter Kim, isn’t it a non-captain card that the ruling party in crisis chose to show the image of renewal?
It’s regarding changing the party leadership, which has made many mistakes.
◀ reporter ▶
That’s right.
◀ anchor ▶
Even though I made up my mind to let go of acting today as acting Kwon Seong-dong, how should I look at the reason for the controversy over ‘I can’t go, I can’t go’ as a non-captain?
◀ reporter ▶
Yes, until now, regardless of the ruling party, the transition to a non-captain was predicated on the resignation of the party leader.
When the representative resigned, the lieutenant colonel would take his place.
But this time it wasn’t.
Although the president has been disciplined, he is maintaining his position, and controversy arises inside and outside the party, arguing that it is an emergency and that he should go to the non-captain system.
The Constitution of the People’s Power Party states that if the highest rank loses its function, it can be replaced by a non-captain.
But what is the loss of supreme function? Interpretation is different depending on the position.
If more than half of the pro-Yunkyi mainstream resigns, it will be disorganized.
Representative Lee Jun-seok’s side is arguing that if even one person persists without resigning, the highest rank is alive, but the non-captain is absurd.
◀ anchor ▶
But looking at it now, it seems that the so-called ‘nuclear officers’ are the direction they want, and it seems like they will push it strongly.
◀ reporter ▶
Also because of CEO Lee Joon-seok.
Although Chairman Lee received the disciplinary action of suspension of his party membership, he is still the representative of the People’s Power.
After six months, you can come back to the CEO once more.
However, this non-captain may actually block the way for CEO Lee Jun-seok to return.
If the non-captainer decides on the early transfer.
So, if a new party leader is elected, the return of this representative will be blocked at the source.
I am still the CEO, but I have no choice but to object to what kind of representative I choose.
It might even lead to a legal battle.
Right now, CEO Lee Jun-seok compared Yoon-gye Chin to the ‘Nazgul, Gollum’ in the movie ‘Lord of the Rings’ on social media and shot him fiercely.
Like Gollum, who is obsessed with the absolute ring, it means that he only pursues power.
That is why the mainstream party is also reviewing various things to ensure that there are no procedural flaws and that Chairman Lee does not take issue with it in the future.
◀ anchor ▶
Even over the renewal of the party, the conflict between Chairman Lee Jun-seok and Yoon Hek-kwan is re-enacting.
Now, what will happen to the people’s power?
◀ reporter ▶
Although Acting Representative Kwon Seong-dong said he would step down from his role, he did not resign from his position as the Chief Executive Officer right away.
There is a high possibility that the decision will be made at the highest level until the non-captain, and then disbanded.
Already, the name of the vice chairperson is being talked regarding with the center of the 5th term in the party.
However, until the launch of the non-captain, the process is still going on.
It is important to set the time limit for non-submissive activities and authority.
When will the next national convention be held, and whether the next party leader will be able to take the right to nominate in the general election? We need to sort these issues out.
In this process, the key is where President Yoon’s intentions lie and what kind of movement President Lee Jun-seok will make.
◀ anchor ▶
Reporter Kim listened well.
Video Editing: Moon Cheol-Hak
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