3 words of comfort that are poison for depression

Insignificant words of comfort to people suffering from depression can be poison. [사진=클립아트코리아]

depressionis worldwide common diseaseto be. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 10 Americans suffer from depression. also in the country 1 in 100with this depression hospital careare receiving mental illnessConsidering the reluctance to hide or seek hospitals, far more people depressionis presumed to be aware of

Adam Caplin, professor of psychiatry and neurology at Johns Hopkins University, said:Depression Causesclass Symptomare different clumsy words of consolationrather than handing them storysilently listeningsay this is better In an interview with The Huffington Post, he said: Words of comfortof this depressed patient faultor weaknessfurther highlighting poisonThis might be,” he said. It is better not to say things like the following to people with depression.


“I know how you feel”

sympathysometimes helps a lot opponent’s positionIf you show empathy without knowing dangerdo. Dr. Caplin said, “Every person each wayby depression“If you don’t fully understand the other person’s situation, it’s better to just listen.”

“If you have ever experienced depression, share your experienceSo the opponent that you are not aloneIt is also helpful to inform people regarding telling a storyAs much as this is more important, you should not only tell your own story.”



‘Accept’ or ‘Think positive’means the other situationsecond bagatelleis an expression of ignorance. depressionsilver concentrationdrop the disturb deep sleepIt is a serious disease that disrupts daily life.

It doesn’t help to say that it’s no big deal to someone who is struggling off the mundane and mundane trajectory. Dr. Caplin depressionthe influence of underestimatedoing is dangerpointed out that


◆ “cheer up”

‘cheer up’also said It’s like saying acceptdo. Dr. Caplin said, “If the opponent had been able to energize him, he would have already recovered.” “Rather than throwing words of comfort partner’s storylisten to ‘It must have been difficult’is the degree of responseIt helps a lot more,” he said.

Reporter Kim Soo-hyun ksm78@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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