RB Leipzig: Sky exclusively: Eberl negotiates with Mintzlaff | Transfer Center News

Is there a top-class manager comeback in Leipzig? According to Sky information, RB Leipzig is in intensive talks with Max Eberl.

In January of this year, the 48-year-old ex-professional voluntarily gave up his position as sports director at Borussia Mönchengladbach for personal reasons. Since then he has retired from public life, travels the world and has many conversations. Among other things, with RB boss Oliver Mintzlaff.

He is looking for a top candidate for the vacant post of sports director in Leipzig. Eberl, like that Sky Information is the hoped-for 1A solution and can very well imagine a change to the reigning cup winner. However, Eberl would rather be the sport manager. Mintzlaff is said to have already promised him this post.

The negotiations between Eberl and RB are already well advanced, although the top manager also has other inquiries. So nothing has been signed yet.

Mintzlaff denies the agreement, but not the talks

Von Sky Reporter Patrick Wasserziehr after the 3:5 defeat against FC Bayern When asked about the personnel in the Supercup, Mintzlaff avoided a clear statement to Eberl: “We don’t comment on names (…) I can say to the sports director that we have a clear plan, even if it was seen a little differently from the outside. But we have not yet signed with any candidate.”

That’s what they say Sky Information. A denial that there weren’t even talks with Eberl sounds different. That’s why Wasserzug followed up: “We have various sources that point to Eberl, at least as an interesting candidate.” Mintzlaff’s reaction: “I don’t know your sources. I know my source and that’s the safest one. And I can tell you that we haven’t signed with any candidate. And so I can deny that we have an agreement with Max Eberl.” However, no agreement was ever reported, only talks. The RB boss did not rule this out with his statements.

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When does Eberl want to return?

However, it is questionable when Eberl plans to return. To Sky He wants to continue his active break until the end of the year and could start with the Red Bulls in January. The 48-year-old is still enjoying his free time to the fullest, which is why it is possible that he will not take on a top-class role again until January next year.

In any case, Leipzig is working flat out on the royal solution. Within the club, filling the sporting director position is an absolute top-secret topic. Hardly anyone knows about Mintzlaff’s plans. Now it’s clear why! Because Mintzlaff wants Eberl!

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