Renaissance Dam| Why did Sudan announce raising the state of alert after the start of filling?

08:30 p.m

Saturday 30 July 2022

Books – Ahmed Massad:

The Sudanese Ministry of Irrigation has raised the state of maximum alert, as it expects the levels of the Blue Nile to rise significantly during the current flood season, as one of the repercussions of the third filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Dr. Abbas Sharaki, Professor of Water Resources and Irrigation at Cairo University, said that raising the state of maximum alert at this time comes within the framework of anticipating more quantities of water being discharged through the Renaissance Dam in light of the continued opening of the drainage gates, noting that the past quantities ranged between 50 to 50. 60 million cubic meters per day, and at the beginning of next week the amount of water received will reach 500 million cubic meters per day.

Sharaki added in exclusive statements to “Masrawy” that the Nile River is one of the strong days, as last year it recorded the supply of approximately 860 million cubic meters, or nearly one billion per day, pointing out that the Sudanese dams empty the quantities of water they own. In order to be able to receive the quantities of the new flood.

The water resources expert pointed out that Egypt is currently receiving quantities of emptied water from the Swani dams, on top of which is the Roseires dam, which has a storage capacity of 7 billion cubic meters, in addition to other dams, stressing that Cairo has taken all precautions related to the High Dam, which is capable of absorbing all the quantities that will come out of the dam. Ethiopia through Sudanese territory.

He continued, “This flood is expected to be less than the flood of last year,” explaining: “The unilateral management of the storage and filling process always confuses the two downstream countries, despite the development of all possible scenarios, but the time of storage or opening the gates is very important for coordination between the three countries, starting from the spring until the last downstream country.”

Sharaki pointed out that the amount of water retained, whether in the first, second or third filling, is considered among the shares of the two downstream countries, adding that the Ethiopian side is not ready to end this crisis and open a new chapter of cooperation between the three countries.



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