An amazing shock wave from a rejected star hurtling through space at 100,000 miles per hour

Zeta Oviucci was once in close orbit with another star, before it was ejected when that companion was destroyed in a supernova explosion. Infrared data from Spitzer reveals a stunning shock wave formed from material blasting away from the star’s surface and hitting gas in its path. Data from Chandra shows a bubble of X-ray emission located around the star, which is produced by gas heated by the shock wave to tens of millions of degrees. Chandra’s data helps tell more regarding this wild star’s story. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. Cambridge / c. Cesc Raines et al; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA; Optical: PanSTARRS

  • Zeta Ophiuchi is a single star that likely once had a companion that was destroyed when it was hit by a supernova.
  • The supernova explosion sent Zeta Ophiuchi, seen in Spitzer (in green and red) and Chandra data (in blue), into space.
  • The X-rays discovered by Chandra originate from gas heated to millions of degrees by shock wave effects.
  • Scientists are working to match computational models of this object to explain the data obtained at different wavelengths.؟v=-Q9cSNFDZ0c

Zeta Ophiuchi is a star with a complex past, as it was likely expelled from its hometown by a powerful stellar explosion. A new detailed look by[{”attribute=””>NASA’sChandraX-rayObservatoryhelpstellmoreofthehistoryofthisrunawaystar[{”attribute=””>NASA’sChandraX-rayObservatoryhelpstellmoreofthehistoryofthisrunawaystar

Located approximately 440 light-years from Earth, Zeta Ophiuchi is a hot star that is regarding 20 times more massive than the Sun. Evidence that Zeta Ophiuchi was once in close orbit with another star, before being ejected at regarding 100,000 miles per hour when this companion was destroyed in a supernova explosion over a million years ago has been provided by previous observations.

In fact, previously released infrared data from NASA’s now-retired Spitzer Space Telescopeseen in this new composite image, reveals a spectacular shock wave (red and green) that was formed by matter blowing away from the star’s surface and slamming into gas in its path. A bubble of X-ray emission (blue) located around the star, produced by gas that has been heated by the effects of the shock wave to tens of millions of degrees, is revealed by data from Chandra.

A team of astronomers has constructed the first detailed computer models of the shock wave. They have begun testing whether the models can explain the data obtained at different wavelengths, including X-ray, infrared, optical, and radio observations. All three of the different computer models predict fainter X-ray emissions than observed. In addition, the bubble of X-ray emission is brightest near the star, whereas two of the three computer models predict the X-ray emission should be brighter near the shock wave. The team of astronomers was led by Samuel Green from the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland.؟v=t2w5nq9cU9A

In the future, these scientists plan to test more complex models with additional physics — including the effects of turbulence and particle acceleration — to see if agreement with the X-ray data improves.

A paper describing these findings has been accepted into the journal Astronomy and astrophysics. The Chandra data used here was originally analyzed by Jesús Toala of the Astrophysical Institute of Andalusia in Spain, who also wrote the proposal that led to the observations.

Reference: “Thermal emission from arc shocks. II. 3D magnetic-hydrodynamic models of Zeta Oviucci’ by S. Green, J. Mackey, P. Kavanagh, T. J. Haworth, M. Moutzouri, and V. V. Gvaramadze, Accepted, Astronomy and astrophysics.
DOI: 10.1051 / 0004-6361 / 202243531

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s Chandra X-ray Center controls science operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts.



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