Periodontal disease as scary as a cold for children and diabetes for the elderly – Hyundai Health News

President Yong-Duk Park of the Korean Society of Preventive Dentistry emphasized the importance of oral health by saying this at the Philips Korea meeting held on the 27th.

Among the top 10 most frequent diseases in children, excluding respiratory diseases such as colds, 1st place is tooth growth and eruption disorder, △2nd tooth caries △6th place pulpitis and periapical disease △8th place gingivitis and periodontal disease. (Source = Professor Yong-Duk Park, Shinhan University)

As of 2014, 3 out of 10 people over the age of 30 suffered periodontal disease

Among the 10 most frequent diseases in children, dental diseases such as tooth decay are the most common

Among the most frequent diseases over 65 years of age, periodontal disease is the second most common following hypertension.

Chairman Park “Education of brushing habits from children is important, we will launch the 123 campaign”

[현대건강신문=박현진 기자] “The most important thing for children and the elderly to maintain their health is dental care”

President Yong-Duk Park (Shinhan University Chair Professor) of the Korean Society of Preventive Dentistry (Society of Preventive Dentistry) emphasized the importance of oral health by saying this at the Philips Korea meeting held on the 27th.

In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified smoking, excessive drinking, lack of exercise, and oral disease as the major causes of non-infectious diseases.

The Korean Society of Periodontology said, “Periodine disease is one of the top diseases of chronic non-infectious diseases along with cardiovascular disease, circulatory disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and obesity. It is reported that the incidence of obesity increases by 2.4 times, for type 2 diabetes by 2.3 times and for chronic respiratory diseases by 2.0 times.”

Park Yong-deok, president of the Preventive Dentistry Association, said, “Oral health is affecting systemic diseases.

According to data from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2014, 3 out of 10 people had periodontal disease, and 4 out of 10 men (41.1%) had periodontal disease, and 2 out of 10 women (24.9%) had periodontal disease. .

Classifying diseases by age reveals more specific periodontal disease patients.

Among the top 10 most frequent diseases in children, excluding respiratory diseases such as colds, 1st place is tooth growth and eruption disorder, △2nd dental caries, △6th pulp and periapical disease, and △8th place gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Among the diseases suffered by teenagers in the past five years, acute bronchitis, known as the common cold, was the most common, followed by △2nd dental caries △4th place gingivitis and periodontal disease △tooth growth and eruption disorders.

Eruption disorder refers to a case in which the number or shape of the teeth is different from normal, and the most common are the extra teeth.

High blood pressure was the most common outpatient disease experienced by the elderly over the age of 65, and △2nd place gingivitis and periodontal disease △9th place difference and other disorders of support structure showed that there were more gingivitis patients than type 2 diabetes (6th place).

There are many studies showing that the weakening of masticatory function in the elderly is the cause of △nutrition imbalance and △dementia. In the ‘Analysis of the incidence of dementia in edentulous patients using the elderly cohort data,’ Koo Bon-seok, a dental prosthodontist at National Health Insurance Ilsan Hospital in 2020, said, “The incidence of dementia (12.13%) in patients with unilateral completely edentulous (two days without teeth) was the It is significantly higher than the dementia incidence rate (9.74%) of patients with two days of lice.”

In 2006, a research team led by Professor Hwang Gyu-young of Chosun University University stated that the deterioration of chewing function leads to a decrease in digestion and changes in the supply of essential nutrients to organs in the human body.

Chairman Park Yong-duk said, “If a child suffers from periodontal disease, it has a huge impact on their permanent teeth, and without proper treatment, it can lead to malocclusion and discoloration of permanent teeth.

He continued, “When research results show that dental diseases are related to senile brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, it is called ‘third diabetes’. We need to recover,” he said.

Chairman Park emphasized that prevention is very important in the case of teeth, so proper dental care education is necessary from an early age.

“Previously, brushing was emphasized three times a day, within 3 minutes following a meal, and more than 3 minutes, but the meaning has faded following entering a developed country,” he said. We plan to spread it around the academic society,” he said.

He also said, “The government needs to promote the importance of oral disease prevention with the recognition that periodontal disease is the root of all diseases,” he said. .

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