Gustavo Petro asks the ‘Gulf clan’ to stop the ‘pistol plan’ – Government – ​​Politics

the president elect Gustavo Petro called on the “Gulf clan” to stop the “pistol plan.”

“I hope it ends now. A peaceful dismantling is possible for the ‘Gulf clan’,” Petro said, referring to the mass murder of police and soldiers.

(Read also: Benedetti ambassador in Venezuela?: Petro confirms that it is being discussed)

Killing young cops is not the way

“Killing young policemen is not the way. From here I tell you: suspend death, the way is life,” added Petro from Santa Marta, where the summit of the Historical Pact is taking place.

The president of Congress, Roy Barreras, affirmed this Thursday that the ‘Gulf clan’ “is mistaken if it believes that the intention of making complete peace and allowing them to demobilize authorizes them to cowardly assassinate the police.”

“What the ‘pistol plan’ puts at risk is their (the ‘Gulf clan’) possibility of recovering life and freedom and not ending up dead, imprisoned or extradited,” Barreras said.

(Also read: Roy at the summit of the Pact: “They are wrong cowardly murdering policemen”)

For his part, Senator Iván Cepeda, a former peace negotiator with the FARC, told EL TIEMPO that the Santa Marta meeting “unanimously rejects the ‘pistol plan’ that is being developed once morest the National Police.”

According to the Police, 35 police officers have been killed in acts of service throughout the year throughout the country.

(Also: What can be done once morest the ‘Gun Plan’ of the ‘Gulf Clan’?)

Although these cases include all armed actors, the majority of deaths are attributed to the “Gulf clan” which, according to the Police, has been responsible for 26 of the 35 police killings in 2022.




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