Up to five cell phones and two motorcycles per passenger: Cuban Customs publishes its new regulations

The General Customs of Cuba published the provisions that will govern the imports of products by travelers arriving on the Islandwhich include new rates and fees and entail the admission of a greater number of non-commercial products per passenger.

These measures, announced by the Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil Fernández, in the most recent session of the National Assembly, They include, among other changes, the possibility of importing up to five cell phones, instead of the two allowed until today, two power plants and the same number of electric motors. In the latter case, a third motorcycle sent as cargo is included.

In the resolution published in the official Gazette, The authority defines as non-commercial importation that carried out by natural persons on an occasional basis for their personal, family or household use.through baggage, shipments, household goods or other authorized charges.

The provisions, which come into effect from August 15 next, include news. Among them is that those who receive air, sea, postal, and non-commercial courier shipments will not have to pay customs tax for the first 30 US dollars of the value or its equivalent weight, up to three kilograms of the shipment, in the value relationship / weight established by Customs.

In addition, the entity decided to define the non-commercial nature of the importation of miscellaneous products by their value and weight and by the diversity of the articles to be imported, and not by the physical quantities, and also to increase the quantity allowed to import of some articles.

Customs warns that the non-commercial nature of imports has to do with “the nature and functions of an article” and that “the reiteration of imports made does not evidence the nature or commercial purpose of their importation.” This last, a warning to the muleswho make shopping tourism and are a fundamental part of the dense submerged economy of the Island.

Otherwise, Customs may sanction the traveler. For example, making the confiscation of items that exceed the established amount.

Likewise, Customs clarifies that “the fundamental parts and pieces of machines, devices and equipment, imported as a whole, are considered by Customs as complete machines, devices and equipment. When they are presented in installments, it is taken into account that the sum of the parts represents the total value of the equipment to be imported.

So, for example, a tower and a monitor are supported as the import of a complete microcomputer; a bicycle without tires is considered as the importation of a complete bicycle, etc.

“In accordance with the legal provisions, The following items are classified as miscellaneous: footwear, clothing, food, personal and household items, jewelry, perfumery and the like. For the importation of products that classify as miscellaneous, the articles or products to be imported must be diverse in their types,” the resolution refers.

In the case of electrical appliances, Customs admits them provided they are varied, accepting up to two items of the same type, provided that the sum of their values ​​does not exceed the established limit.

It will also support up to three items related to telecommunications and network devices, including computer equipment accessories or peripherals (mouse, keyboards or others). This also applies to equipment such as desktop microcomputers, laptops, tablets or the like, and musical instruments.

As for furniture, Customs will admit up to five items of each type classify as furniture
for the home, provided that its value does not exceed fifty dollars. For those that exceed that value, including those that constitute games, three will be admitted. The latter applies to baby furniture.

The Customs resolution includes a list of prices that represent a reduction of 70% of the tax charged to date for the same products.



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