Passarella spoke for the first time after the rumors about his health: “I’m fine, there’s Daniel for many years”

Daniel Passarella provided details of his state of health (NA)

In the last few days different journalistic versions were spread indicating that Daniel Alberto Passarella He suffered from a “neurodegenerative disease”. After the family of the former captain and coach of the Argentine national team denied this health report through a brief statement that was distributed by his lawyer Marcelo Vázquez Aguiar, it was the Kaiser the one in charge of banishing any type of rumor during an interview with The Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I can assure everyone, including my many Italian friends, that I’m fine and luckily I don’t have any of those diseases that I don’t even know the name of. I was just a little depressedyes, because we have all been through a bad time, but nothing more. Being sad can happen to anyone and who knows how many millions of people in the world have felt as depressed as mebut from here it is necessary to go further ”, he began his story before the Italian newspaper with the intention of making his health problems clear.

That various diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or ALS were mentioned caused concern in the world of football, such as his former partner in Fiorentina Giancarlo Antognoni. “I received a message from Gianca, because he was also worried. Y I replied ‘don’t worry, nothing is wrong, because Daniel will continue for many years”.

When asked if he has in mind to return to Italy in the short term, Passarella acknowledged that his idea is to travel following a FIFA meeting to which he was invited as a result of the next World Cup in Qatar. “I hope soon. If I don’t do it sooner, I’ll come following I go to the FIFA meeting. I want to show my son Luca and my nephew Ignacio how beautiful Florence is. But don’t say I’m doing it because I can’t travel alone, because as I wrote to my friend Gianca Passarella it will last a long time. The world champion defended the Fiorentina shirt for four seasons and Inter’s for two. He was also technical director of Parma.

These words go in line with the message spread by his wife Graciela Benvenutto and their son. “The wife and son of Daniel Alberto Passarella, given the proliferation of various news regarding Daniel’s health, in which various diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or ALS are mentioned, come to deny them and state that Daniel is only going through a a state of sadness with signs of depression as a result of the situation experienced during the pandemic,” they stated in a statement.

During the interview, Daniel also referred to the arrival of Paulo Dybala in Roma and all the expectations that it generated among the fans. “Calm. Batistuta was unique as a scorer. Dybala is a great player but he doesn’t score as much as Gabriel, so we have to see what the Roma that Mourinho is preparing will be like. I don’t understand why Juventus let him escape, but that will be an extra motivation for him to want to show that he is a champion, because the Dybala that I remember is definitely a champion”, he concluded.




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