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Janakamaharaja was the king of Mithilapuri. Rajarshi is not just a ruler. Rajarshi means that Kshatriyas become Rajarshi if they do penance and attain Brahmadarshan. Not only Janaka but Vishwamitra and Pururavas are kings. Vishwamitra later became Brahmarshi.

Janaka is the general name of the kings of that country (Mithila). Janaka’s real name is Seeradhwajan. He is a great scholar among Vedas. Janaka was the disciple of the Brahmin priest Yajnavalkya and the teacher of Brihadaranya Kopanisha.

Sita is the daughter of such a father. She was born in a noble culture. That samskara dharma is maintained throughout the Ramayana. This is what Janaka said while holding Sita’s hand in Rama’s hands during the marriage

Accept my daughter Sita as your consort. She follows her husband like a shadow. Good luck

The daughter was not just obeying her father’s words; On the contrary, Sita herself has a habit of what Dharma is. She herself is Dharma and Truth. The author’s address to original nature is not divine; Rather, appearance is inner purity.

In this world and in the herefollowing, Kanavan is always the refuge of women. If you turn to the forest, I am before you, these are the noble words of Sita.

That is the superiority of culture! It is also due to that dharma (culture) that Sita supports Rama in Aranya Pravesha and it is not just a duty but a right of the wife. In principle, Sita did not support Rama but Maha Samskara. It is traditional. Even fire bears witness to the glory of that purity of expression.



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