Steam “VRChat” flooded with thousands of negative reviews, and the official introduction of EAC anti-cheating and blocking Mod caused public anger | 4Gamers

Steam’s multiplayer virtual reality VRChat is currently the closest game to the “metaverse” vision, and it’s also the most popular place for live broadcasters and content creators, but VRChat is now receiving anger from the player community Counterattack, and the fuse is the controversial anti-cheat program, Easy Anti-Cheat.

The “VRChat” development team issued an announcement on the 25th, announcing that the game will join the “Easy Anti-Cheat” anti-cheat system, in order to prevent some malicious players from modifying the client to attack or harass other players, but the official QA at the bottom of the announcement The Q&A highlighted how “mods” were handled, and the answers left the player community in despair.

“If you are currently using any mods, you will receive an error message on the screen and you will not be able to log in to VRChat. If the player tries to log in to VRChat with the mod turned on, they will be disconnected and the program will be closed. “At the same time, the official stated that there will be no module whitelist, emphasizing that the use of any module violates the usage specifications.


Of course, the declaration of banning all mods will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the VRChat community, because the intervention of the EAC will cause players to create dynamic avatars or many auxiliary functions will no longer work.

For example, the module “VRC-CC” is a custom module that allows people with hoarseness to generate text messages through sign language, so that they can communicate with other players in “VRChat”. Now the launch of EAC will completely kill this kind of module. Auxiliary module.

Due to the dissatisfaction of the player community, “VRChat” has received more than 14,000 negative reviews in the past two days, and many players even claimed that if EAC existed one day, they would not log in to “VRChat” once more.

In the face of overwhelming negative comments from players, the VRChat team updated in the announcement yesterday (26th), emphasizing that solving the players’ problems will be the highest priority, changing the current internal development route to add the functions that the player community wants, However, the announcement also clearly emphasized that the addition of the EAC anti-cheating system is an irreversible fact.


Since Kamu was established in 2013, its signature product “Easy Anti-Cheat” has been installed and used on more than 100 million PCs worldwide. It supports cheat protection for many Zhimeng games, includingApex Legends

In 2018,Epic Games acquires Kamu Maintaining an independent business operation, Easy Anti-Cheat has become an anti-cheat system that many players are familiar with, including the popular anti-cheat system launched this year.Elden Ring, a bug that caused the game to launch incorrectly due to the addition of the EAC system to the PC versionhave become the player to remember the deeds of the EAC.




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