UN: when Algeria deprives the Palestinian people of the support of representatives of 1.8 billion Muslims

For the second consecutive time in the space of three months, the permanent representative of Algeria in New York, Mohamed Ennadir Larbaoui, censured, on Tuesday July 26, 2022, a declaration by the group of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC ) before the UN Security Council.

This refusal comes on the occasion of the quarterly debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The Algerian ambassador thus deprived the Palestinian people of the expression of the support of the representatives of 1.8 billion Muslims for the Palestinian cause, and for the holy city of Al Quds Acharif.

He opposed a categorical denial, without explaining the reason, to the resumption of paragraph 35 of the resolution entitled “the Capital of the State of Palestine Al Quds Al Sharif” in the joint declaration of the OIC. This resolution was adopted, by consensus, by the OIC Foreign Ministers, in Islamabad, on 22-23 March 2022.

According to OIC sources in New York, the adoption of this resolution, including the paragraph on the Holy City and the Al-Quds Committee, was not subject to any reservations by any member of the OIC, including Algeria.

The Algerian ambassador objected, in an official note to the Pakistani presidency of the OIC, to the inclusion of this paragraph, for the simple unacknowledged reason that it refers to the Al Quds Committee, its president, as well as ‘to the role played by the Bayt Mal Al Quds Agency in the resistance of the Maqdissis, the preservation of the Arab-Islamic identity of the city of Al Quds, and the implementation of projects within the framework of assistance programs continuous social.

Several OIC diplomats have privately expressed their regret that Algeria is instrumentalizing the sacred question of Palestine in its political crisis with Morocco, especially since this is not the first time that the Algerian ambassador prevents the voice of the OIC from resounding within the Security Council, in order to express the solidarity of the Islamic ummah with the Palestinian cause and the creation of its State with Al Quds Acharif as its capital.

These same sources confided their reprobation that a member of the OIC calls into question the resolutions and decisions adopted, by consensus, within the Organization, thus setting itself up alone once morest all to oppose Morocco by sacrificing the Palestinian cause.

These sources add that this extremely serious precedent, which weakens the support of the international community for the Palestinian cause in New York, is incomprehensible, at a time when the Palestinian people most need the unanimous support of the members of the OIC, to which ardently the Palestinian ambassador at this meeting of the Security Council.

The censorship imposed by the Algerian ambassador to the OIC contradicts his crocodile tears on the suffering of the Palestinian people in his speech immediately following that of the Palestinian ambassador during this session.



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