U.S. researchers develop the latest “Covid-reducing chewing gum” that can reduce Omicron infection.

Today, July 27, 65, Archyde.com (Archyde.com) reported that US researchers continued. “Chewing Gum Reduces COVID” developed last year by upgrading to be able to reduce the strain “Omicron” can

If anyone still remembers last year Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, have developed a “Covid-19 gum” as another way to prevent the spread.

Dr. Henry Daniels from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry “Because nasal transmission is less common compared to oral transmission … chewing ACE2 gum is likely to reduce infection,” said the lead researcher. protect the patient and prevent the spread of infection as well.”

People who are infected with COVID-19, even if they don’t show symptoms. It can still be transmitted through coughing, sneezing, and close breathing and talking. Reducing oral viral load Therefore, it should help reduce the chances of spreading the infection. This is the origin of chewing gum to reduce this covid-19.

working principle of “Gum reduces covid” The protein “ACE2” is used as a component of chewing gum. Normally, ACE2 protein is found on the cell surface. which is where the COVID-19 virus It serves as a gateway to cells and to cause infection.

When the protein is put in the gum It will cause chewing gum to “trap” particles of the COVID-19 virus. This makes it possible to limit the amount of virus in saliva or mouth. and helps to control transmission when the infected person speaks, breathes or coughs.

Most recently, there was a new study by the former University of Pennsylvania. but developed to be able to reduce particles of COVID-19 strains “Omicron” in saliva

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This extension occurred because “Omicron” It has become a staple in many countries around the world. Replaces the original species like Alpha or Delta.

The new study, published yet, has not been reviewed by non-interested experts. But preliminary shows that when “Gum reduces covid” Go tested on saliva samples of people infected with COVID-19. In vitro delta and omicron strains, new experimental chewing gum can reduce COVID-19 particles. Omicron in saliva.

by virus particles “Omicron” will be trapped by ACE2 in the gum and the viral load dropped to undetectable levels. After this, the research team will conduct clinical trials in humans. by giving patients with COVID-19 Each person chewed ACE2 gum for 4 days, 4 tablets per day.

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