Javier Areta, appointed Medical Brigadier General

The Ministry of Defense.

The health is still one of the pillars featured within the Army, which has a large number of professionals among its ranks. following more than 20 years of experiencethe traumatologist Francisco Javier Areta es promoted to Medical Brigadier General of the Military Health Corps. The proposal for this distinction has been made by the Minister of Defence, Margaret Oaksfollowing prior deliberation by the Council of Ministers, as reported by the Official State Gazette (BOE).

Areta graduated from Medicine and Surgery, specializing in Traumatology, and being interested mainly in spinal surgery. The traumatologist currently works in the Gómez Ulla Defense Central Hospital in Madrid, being the head of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service.

Military healthcare, Areta’s field par excellence

The Ministry of Defense collaborates through the Gómez Ulla Defense Central Hospital in the provision of health care specialized to users of the Public Health System of the Community of Madrid. On the other hand, Areta is also co-director of the Vertebral Pathology Unit of the Ruber International Hospitalin Madrid.

Throughout his career as a professional, Areta has made a large number of sessions that combine the healthcare scenario with the military, such as ‘Orthopedic surgery in combat: current situation and application to civil Traumatology’, ‘Military Traumatology: The Field Hospital’ or ‘Treatment of combat casualties. From initial care to definitive treatment’.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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