Sony officially revealed 4 new features for PS VR2, but some of them should be old in the eyes of Meta Quest users | T Kebang

Sony officially re-introduced the new features of PS VR2 today: including perspective functions, customization functions, VR and theater modes, etc. However, if you’ve used Meta Quest before, you’ll find that these features should be old-fashioned for Meta Quest veterans.

“With PS VR2, you can wear the headset to see your surroundings through our new see-through feature. It comes in handy when you want to easily check where the PS VR2 Sense controller is in the room, without having to remove it earphone.”

Perspective features:

With the PS VR2’s embedded front-facing camera, users can toggle between viewing their surroundings or viewing content on the PS VR2 by pressing a function button on the headset, or using a card in the Control Center. The cards in Control Center also give you quick access to other PS VR2 settings, such as adjusting your play area.

Perspective view is for viewing only, so there is no recording option.

Live recording function:

PS VR2’s new live streaming feature lets you film yourself while gaming by connecting the PS5’s high-res footage to the PS5. This is the best way to show your moves and reactions in boss battles and share them with other players.

Sony officially revealed 4 new features for PS VR2, but some should be old in the eyes of Meta Quest users

Custom play area:

This feature looks similar to the Meta Quest’s ability to detect game areas, but also draws an area where players can move safely.

According to the official website, users can customize the PS VR2 game area using the PS VR2 Sense controller and embedded lens. Lenses let you scan the room, while the PS VR2 Sense controller lets you expand and further customize the play area to suit your playstyle and room environment.

PS VR2 introduction: support perspective function, VR mode and movie mode

VR Mode and Theater Mode

In VR mode, players can watch VR game content in a 360-degree virtual environment. Content will be displayed in 4000 x 2040 HDR video format (2000 x 2040 per eye) at 90Hz/120Hz frame rate.

In Theater Mode, players can view the PS5 system and UI along with all non-VR games and media content on a virtual theater screen. Content in Theater Mode will be displayed in 1920×1080 HDR video format at 24/60Hz and 120Hz frame rates.



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