Hamdallah was suspended for 4 months .. a shock from the initial indicators of the decisions of the issue of victory and the union

Official decisions are expected today or tomorrow at the latest

A lot has passed, and very little remains, to lift the curtain on the decisions of the Professionalism Committee and the Status of Players of the Saudi Football Association, regarding the issue of victory once morest Al-Ittihad and its Moroccan striker Abdel Razzaq Hamdallah, which seems to be a shock on the Al-Jeddawi side.

Why did victory file a complaint once morest Hamdallah?

The honeymoon between the Moroccan and international striker ended in November 2021, when the Al-Asimi club announced the unilateral termination of the player’s contract, for legal and legitimate reasons, according to what was stated in the statement.

So far, Al-Nasr has not clarified the details of the termination of the contract, but according to Saudi press reports, this decision was taken following the Moroccan insulted one of the club’s administrators.

The two parties then resorted to the International Football Association “FIFA”, as each of them demanded his financial rights following the termination of the contract, but no decision has yet been issued.

Months later, a new crisis erupted following Al-Nasr obtained audio recordings, allegedly between Hamed Al-Balawi; The executive director of the brigadier general, and Hamdallah, the first incites the attacker to rebel and leave victory during the validity of his contract.

The issue of recordings is currently before the Professional Committee of the Saudi Football Association, which has completed its investigation.

What are the initial indicators for the decisions of the Professionalism Committee?

The “Sports Harvest” program explained that the committee will reveal its decisions today or tomorrow at a maximum, noting that the decisions will include stopping and preventing registration, without revealing more details.

However, the federal sports journalist, Adnan Justiniyeh, revealed the details of the decisions, according to his sources.

The federal media indicated that the Professionalism Committee decided to suspend Hamed Al-Balawi for a period of six months, while it was satisfied with the suspension of four months for Mishaal Al-Saeed; union administrator.

As for Hamdallah, he will be suspended for four months, with Al-Ittihad banned from contracts for one transfer period, according to Justinia’s sources.



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