An acquaintance offered to take him home by car, but the story did not end in the best way

In the past week, Peter Pribyl Pierdinock He was with a friend and they both needed to return to their home, outside of Chicago. Suddenly they met an acquaintance on the street, who he offered to take them in his car.

At first, the young American felt very grateful and lucky. However, the next day the driver wrote to him with the intention of charging him for gasolinehe told regarding it on social media and his post went viral.

“Friends of friends get too bold,” Peter said annoyed, in a video that he posted on his TikTok account regarding the request of the young woman with whom, obviously, he has a rather distant link. In the video you might also see the screenshot of the message in which the woman asked for money for the trip.

In the image, the message with which the driver asked the young man she had brought in her car for money for gasoline. Credit: TikTok screenshot @peterpribylpierdinock

“Heyyy, I’m Julia. What is your Venmo account? I should charge you regarding 2.47 dollars for taking you to your house last night”, The young woman wrote and added a laugh as if to mitigate the request. Immediately followingwards, the driver asked for her friend’s information to ask him for the money transfer as well.

“Gasoline is very expensive, hehe. Don’t blame me, blame it on Joe Biden”, added Julia, in a clear allusion to the president of the United States and to the latest increases in fuel in that country, which led to a record price of US$ 5 per gallon in the month of June. In fact, although in recent days the price of gasoline has dropped a few cents, the truth is that current inflation in the United States is the highest in the last 40 years.

Peter’s post garnered more than 363,000 likes, was viewed more than 2.8 million times, and generated nearly 5,000 comments. Among the various returns regarding the driver’s unexpected request, users -in general- were critical of it.

“My life might depend on that $2.47 and I would still be too embarrassed to ask someone to pay me back that amount”; “I would reply that I don’t have a Venmo and that he should come get the cash at my house. In this way, I would spend more money on gasoline”; “Do people like her write that and not be embarrassed before sending it? I find it incredible”, some of the Internet users raised.

“If she volunteered, this is crazy. If she didn’t and she felt compelled to, damn, she needs better boundaries because This is shameful”; “Nothing surprises me anymore following a co-worker sent me an 85 cent Venmo application following she bought me a banana before work”; “Gasoline is expensive and we don’t know any context of what happened (distance etc). She might have been living paycheck to paycheck”; were other of the thousands of comments that expressed her position on the matter.

All in all, a user asked Peter:Why do you blame Biden??”. And the young American responded with humor: “Apparently Biden took us home last night”.



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