Air hostesses reveal the secrets of aviation and the reality of the work of an airline.

Flight attendants may seem like a glamorous job, but there’s more to it than you think. Yes, they can travel for free and see every corner of the world, but they also have to go through tough training and deal with some truly horrible passengers.

There are plenty of secrets that your air hostesses are hiding from you behind that charming smile. But if you really knew what goes on behind the scenes when you’re flying, you’d be surprised.

Hands behind your back for a reason

Have you ever noticed that flight attendants always seem to greet passengers with their hands behind their backs? Turns out there’s a good reason why airline employees do this.

Hiding their hands makes it easier to count people entering the plane — they’re counting on their fingers! If you saw them counting on their fingers in front of you, you surely wouldn’t admire them too much. The trust between flight attendants and passengers must never be broken.



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