Have a United States green card or Green Card it is not fortuitous, it entails a series of legal processes and requirements established by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), so it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to avoid having it removed and being deported.
This article is aimed at those who have a green card, with recommendations to avoid affecting their immigration status.
The immigration expert Roque Leonel Rodriguez says that there are new green card rules that came in from 2019, that some may have gone unnoticed by the pandemic and that they are now being complied with.
To avoid losing their permanent resident status, the person must file their taxes as a resident, even if they receive income from abroad and not stay more than 4 months in the entire year outside the territory, or they are subject to deportation and/or cancellation of their residence. The measure came into effect at the end of 2019.
Failing to admit that you are an immigrant on your tax returns or evading some income, as well as extended trips abroad can be considered “abandonment” of the green card and lead to removal proceedings.
“Removal proceedings and deportation can be a frightening experience, especially when you have the right to keep your green card and permanent resident status. Avoid being deported: if you are a resident, declare it on your Income Rax and do not stay more than 4 months outside the United States” recommends the specialist.
In the UCIS portal, in the line of Abandonment of Permanent Resident Status, specifies that “you can also lose your permanent resident status through intentional abandonment, including, but not limited to, if you: Move to another country with the intention of living there permanently; claim as a nonimmigrant on their federal tax returns, or remain outside the United States for an extended period, unless this is a temporary absence.”
Temporary absence indicates that it must be as evidenced by “the reason for your trip; how long he planned to be absent from the States; any other circumstances for his absence, and any events that may have prolonged his absence.”
Travel permit to avoid losing residence
The absence for a certain period of time from US territory must be justified with prior permission.
“Obtaining an advance travel permit from USCIS before your departure or a returning resident visa (SB-1) from a US consulate while you are abroad can help you prove that you only had a temporary absence planned ” indicates the USCIS text.
Rodríguez reiterates his exhortation to people to do not commit fraudknow that only the consulates grant visas and residences, and that all the information with the requirements and warnings are in the official portals of KILLED. “Reading prevents you from making irreversible mistakes”
In order to apply for the Permanent Resident Card residency eligibility categories that establishes UCIS are: established are through the family, a job; Special Immigrant; through Refugee or Asylee Status; victims of human trafficking and other crimes; victims of abuse; through other categories and through Registration.