Naresuan University detects monkey pox cases from polluted sewage

Asst. Prof. Dr. Thanaphon Phenrat, a high-level expert Bureau of Scientific Budget Management Research and Innovation (ORT) Office of the Science Promotion Board Research and Innovation (OSMEP), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Revealed the epidemic of smallpox that The United States has now begun testing for monkeypox outbreaks. By examining virus debris in sewage wastewater as an indicator of the outbreak at the community level, with one sample of wastewater instead of surveillance for everyone in the community.

This is because the monkey pox virus is excreted in the feces of an infected person. (Although asymptomatic during the incubation period of 7-14 days), the researchers found debris of the virus in the city’s sewage sewage. which includes the waste water from everyone in every home that can be excreted Virus remnants are detected 7-14 days before an infected person realizes they are infected and shows symptoms.

making it possible to control the disease before the outbreak The same technique has been used in proactive surveillance and early warning of the COVID-19 outbreak. in communities and public buildings in 58 countries around the world.

for in Thailand Covid-19 Wastewater Epidemiology Research Council from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medical Sciences Naresuan University It is also ready to use the technology of extracting smallpox virus fragments in community sewage for surveillance of monkeypox imports from abroad as well.

The trial was funded by the Fund for the Promotion of Science, Research and Innovation through the National Research Office (NRCT), which the research team conducted an experiment on wastewater from Suvarnabhumi Airport from wastewater samples in May last year. But no remnants of the monkey pox virus were found. This is consistent with reports that monkeypox cases have not been reported in Thailand at the time, although cases have been reported in 22 countries.

NSAO experts say it is safe to test for monkeypox virus in wastewater. And there is no evidence that monkeypox can be infected from wastewater. Like being unable to get infected with COVID-19 From the SARS-CoV-2 virus debris in wastewater, therefore, the detection of smallpox virus debris in wastewater is a budget-friendly surveillance measure. And the infection can be detected as soon as there is even one infected person in the community. or there is only one tourist infected in the whole airport

After finding the first case of monkey pox in Thailand and the World Health Organization declared the monkey pox virus It is an international public health emergency. After the outbreak was found in more than 75 countries around the world. Today, Thailand has to prepare. Must check the covid-19 wastewater epidemiological research team is ready.

We have experience developing techniques for detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus debris in municipal wastewater to target municipal outbreaks. both the inspection in Phitsanulok municipality Yala City Municipality and Nakhon Sawan Municipality up to 20 days in advance for Delta species and 10 days for Omikron species. This makes the municipality aware of the sensitivity and can control the disease effectively. Reduces damage by 16 to 40 times.

Naresuan University detects monkey pox cases from polluted sewage

Asst. Prof. Dr. Thanapol also stated that During the Covid-19 outbreak, Thailand did not know the wastewater epidemiological technique for early warning. It took our research team more than a year and a half to develop laboratories and extraction techniques. While foreign countries can adapt this technique in 3-6 months.

It shows that foreign countries are more technologically ready. But when the smallpox outbreak Our research team was ready and able to use this technique to monitor monkeypox outbreaks as the United States began. This is considered the success of the SRT system that makes Thai researchers ready to respond to emergency situations. because they have sufficient basic knowledge If there is an outbreak of smallpox in the community at the national level We can check as soon as it is coordinated.

A disease that doesn’t spread very quickly but has a mortality rate of 1-10 percent is monkeypox. Screening of virus debris in wastewater from airports or tourist sites This is an early-warning epidemic surveillance with minimal budget.

Therefore, the inspection of wastewater from the airport to reduce the chances of importing germs from abroad. Therefore, it is probably the most sensible measure when monkeypox cannot be tested in every individual tourist.



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