Steam’s free stone simulator “Rock Life” is extremely well received. Although you can’t have sex, it’s easier to be a stone than a human | 4Gamers

Everything in the world can be simulated. The most popular simulation game recently is the popular cat-sucking craze of “Stray”. However, if you are cold-hearted and don’t follow the trend, you just want to find your own tranquility in the electronic jungle, then you might as well go to “Rock Life”. A stone, experience the artistic conception of Zen.

Brought to Steam for $100 by the three-person team BGNB Studios, Rock Life: The Rock Simulator is a free-to-play simulation game just like theTree Simulator wants you to be like a treein Rock Life you are a rock, nothing more.

Yes, this is a free game that needs to download 1.3 GB, the game only provides 5 different types of stones, and allows you to switch between 2 scenes of grassland and dry landscape, you can’t turn the camera during the process, and you can’t WASD move or Spacebar to jump, because you are a stone, the stone should stay there, don’t move.


So, the question comes back, why the developers make such a game without gameplay, and what is the point of them spending the time and money to make this kind of game on the shelves.

Many times, thinking regarding this kind of problem has become my greatest pleasure in various simulation games, just like previous experience《Tree Simulator》In the same way, many players on Steam at that time were eager to become the king of Eldon. Who would want to be a tree in a boring game?What’s more, this tree is not as windy as the golden tree at the border.


Because nothing might be manipulated, I soon realized that the stone surpassed everything in the world of human beings in all aspects.

Just to exist in society, human beings need the packaging and restraint of many things. You have to learn language and communication, you have to understand dressing etiquette, you have to be skilled, you have to contribute time and money to the operation of society, in addition to food. In addition to clothing, housing, and travel, you must not be without the Internet and entertainment, otherwise you will be depressed.

However, the stone does not need anything, and the stone does not need anything to exist. It does not even need air and water like a tree. It existed in the galaxy in various shapes before the birth of the earth.


The stone is a portrayal of adapting to the environment and the times, its weathering is a record intertwined with time and space, it is a set in any scene or game, and it is also the most perfect set.Stone doesn’t have to go to work, no one cares if Stone’s socioeconomic status is successful or not, it doesn’t need to withstand worldly pressures

More importantly, the stone has no desire, and it is people who want to have sex, not the stone.



Although we have not been able to understand the real reason why the developers made this game, the dry landscape was indeed a tool used by Japanese monks for meditation. Even if it is not possible to visit the field in person, at least through the immutable screen, it can be used by those who wish to meditate. to meditate.

Another reason for the developer to make this game, I can’t help but think of a common meme on social networking sites “Believe it or not I put a stone here”…

Obviously, the 92% extremely favorable rate obtained by “Rock Life” has far exceeded the 3A masterpieces whose evaluations are unbearable.


At the end of the day, getting a game on Steam is not difficult, the hard part is getting the best sales on Steam, but if your game is free to play, the rest of the goal is word of mouth.

Rock simulator “Rock Life: The Rock Simulator” has been on Steam for free download on July 21st, this work supports VR devicesCan be used for meditation



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