The strangest marriage customs.. The bride raises her feet from the ground in front of everyone and what happens to her in the tent by force does not occur to anyone!! (disastrous details)

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Weird marriage customs and traditions in the world, some of which make you laugh for their own pleasure, others may feel strange when you read regarding them, whatever your feelings regarding them.

In this next report, we will inform you regarding the strangest customs and traditions of marriage in the world. Share with us in the comments regarding your country and the customs that your people follow on the wedding night, as a kind of pride in the culture of marriage in your country. Customs and traditions of marriage Each country around the world has its own customs and traditions, related to love and connection Some of them are passed down through generations, some of which have been passed over for many years, and they are still immortal in your hearts and they are optimistic regarding it, especially when entering into a romantic relationship and the beginning of a new life.

Restricting the bride in China is one of the strangest customs that occur in wedding ceremonies in China. The groom does not get the bride easily on the day of the wedding ceremony, as the bridesmaids of the bride lay siege to her, so that he cannot watch her easily, and they also ask him to do some hard work, such as carrying Heavy objects, the groom has to agree as a kind of proof of his love for her.

Climbing the bride’s tree This custom is famous in China, where the bride climbs a tree that is very high, the groom is supposed to reach her, but the bride’s family stands at the bottom of the tree, and they try to make the task difficult for him, by hitting him with a stick, but if he manages to climb and go to her He will have succeeded in this task safely. World Wife Carrying Championship in Finland The customs of love in Finland is to carry and run with the wife, as competitors gather around the world, in this event that may seem strange to you, on Valentine’s Day, have your wife or Your partner, you carry her on the shoulder and run with her, if you fail to do this, the partner will expect that you do not love her enough.

The challenge of gaining weight in Mauritania One of the strangest customs and traditions of marriage around the world is that the bride goes to a tent called “fat”, sits in it before the wedding date, and eats a lot of food, especially that contains a high percentage of fat, so that her weight increases before the date marriage. The bride has to achieve this, without knowing the reason behind doing this, just in order to implement the customs and traditions of marriage in Mauritania.

The bride does not walk on the ground on her wedding day in Ireland The customs of marriage in Ireland are full of kindness, they believe that the bride is not right to walk on the ground, as they believe that there are some fairies that snatch everything that is beautiful, therefore, in order to preserve the safety of the bride, it is required that she She raises her feet on the ground, so as not to be stolen from these fairies. Monthly Valentine’s Day in Korea Celebrating love in Korea is different from the entire dreamer, as they celebrate it on a monthly basis, and they are not satisfied with February 14 only, it is not required to celebrate the day of love between the partner only, as They also celebrate tolerance and embrace others, the purpose of this is for the person to be keen to present good feelings to those around him.

Lemon and turmeric for the bride in India India is undoubtedly one of the most famous countries for turmeric, which they use in many foods. They also believe that its use protects once morest negative energy and evil spirits, for this reason they ask the bride to trample her feet in a bowl filled with water, lemon and turmeric. It is also among the strange marriage customs in India, that the bride’s family put her shoes outside the house, the groom must defend this shoe and try to protect it, if he succeeds in this matter, he has succeeded in obtaining it.

Throwing rotten things at the bride in Scotland Among the strange traditions in Scotland, throwing rotten things at the bride at the wedding ceremony, sometimes on the groom as well, as one of the things that they are most accustomed to using and throwing at the bride are rotten eggs and fish, as they believe that these Step away from envy and magic on the bride.

Not using the toilet in Borne This tribe called Borni Tidong, you will find the strangest customs that reside on the bride and groom, as they are not allowed to enter the toilet or leave their house, for three days following the wedding, as they follow a certain diet, preventing them from entering the toilet for a period three days.

Visiting cemeteries on the day of the wedding ceremony in Russia The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the password for weddings in Russia, as the couple visits the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to lay flowers and wreaths on his grave, asking him to bless their marriage and their new life.

Sitting in a secluded hut in African tribes In some African tribes, huts are built for bachelors, so that they can be there on Valentine’s Day, to search for their life partner, by entering inside the hut, to talk in general regarding life and others, if the couple agreed that they might marry on immediately.

Croatia Museum of Broken Relationships One of the strangest traditions related to love in Croatia, a museum dedicated to emotionally broken people, by going to this museum, put something memorial, to express your emotional state following separation



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