Around 20,000 people work for the partially state-owned, listed Post AG in Austria, and 8,200 in Southeastern Europe and Turkey. “Last year we transported 217 million shipments in Turkey and 52 million in CEE/SEE,” Umundum explained today in an interview with APA. For comparison: in 2021 around 184 million parcels were transported in Germany.
Express One Slovenia
With the newly founded Slovenian subsidiary Express One Slovenia, at least three million parcels for corporate and private customers are to be delivered in the next few years, although Umundum sees significantly higher potential. The new subsidiary is currently primarily serving the import/export business, and work is in progress on a network of around 350 parcel shops. In this country, Express One is served from the logistics center in Kalsdorf in Styria. In Slovenia, Swiss Post has two logistics hubs, one in Maribor (Marburg) (Maribor) and one in Ljubljana (Laibach).