Older adult scammed by a woman who fled to France: “I collected 12 million, he said that the next day he would have the papers ready and he did not appear again”

As the days go by, new victims of Maria Carolina Silva Inostrozawoman accused of three crimes of fraud -for amounts close to 140 million pesos-for which the Court of Appeals of Talca requests his extradition from France; country to which she fled upon learning that she was being investigated by the Justice.

The new cases – like the previous ones – occurred in Curicó and are related to a bogus property brokerage.

J.H.close to Silva Inostroza, immediately went to the PDI to file a complaint after learning of the last week’s post Cooperative Regions about this case.

“This last victim tells us that he met the defendant through relatives and (that Silva) offered to buy a house that was up for auction at a low cost compared to the market price, for which the person withdrew their bank savings, handed them over in cash and subsequently signed a series of documents in the hope that this house would supposedly remain uninhabited,” explained the commissioner Andrés Muñoz, of the Bicrim of Curicó.

“Time passed – this was the year 2020 – and Only in 2022 did (the victim) find out that this was a scam, through the report that was published. In this last complaint, the amount swindled amounts to 44 million pesos“, detailed the officer.


As is known, the first years of the Covid epidemic caused delays and disruptions in most activities at the country level. This situation was cleverly taken advantage of by the scammer, who used it as a reason to justify the delays in the processing of documents and the delay in the delivery of the alleged properties at auction.

“For the accused, the fact that the pandemic paralyzed the country with respect to procedures of all kinds played very well, because this was the perfect excuse he used for the victims to have to wait for years the alleged carrying out of procedures and, therefore, they won’t press harder Nor did they assume that they had been the victim of a scam. Everything was ‘blame on the pandemic’Munoz explained.


Another of the alleged victims is Dagobert Castro, whom Silva Inostroza knew many years ago. She posing as an expert in the field of properties, At the end of 2019, he offered him help to find a cheap house at auction to buy and thus ensure his retirement..

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The older adult was tempted by the offer and gave him 12 million pesos in cashmoney deposited directly into the woman’s personal account and which were part of your life savings.

“I collected the 12 million and she told me that the next day she would have the papers ready to sign. The next day she did not appear and I did not see her again. I had already filed the lawsuit with the lawyer and when he found out he offered to pay me, I told him that I was not going to receive a single peso and that he should go pay the lawyer, and then He disappeared“, the older adult recalled with anguish.


Cooperative Regions He also learned that there are at least three other victims – some very close friends of the woman – who were also swindled for amounts greater than 10 million pesos and who, out of shame or fear, they did not want to report.

The PDI has received new instructions from the Prosecutor’s Office to continue investigating the women’s illicit businesses, as well as the legality of the transfers of their properties purchased between 2018 and 2020, movements that were carried out before escaping from Chile to Europe.

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