€1.50 in France against €2 here: why will fuel be more expensive in Belgium?

There are two reasons for this significant price difference.

Among our neighbours, the government has decided to help households. How? By currently reducing 18 cents per litre. This reduction will drop to 30 cents per liter in September, before dropping to 10 cents in October and November.

However, at home, Ecolo tells us that discussions are continuing on the subject of excise duties and that a decision will be taken during the budgetary conclave at the start of the school year. Ecolo affirms that the decisions that will be taken at that time will aim to help the citizen to face the increase in the price of fuel and that the parties want to find the best strategy to touch the citizen’s wallet as little as possible.

“It’s a question of political will”, confirms Olivier Neirynck, technical director of the Belgian Federation of Fuel and Fuel Dealers (BRAFCO), with our colleagues from RTL.

Moreover, threatened by the French government with additional taxes, the company TotalEnergies chose to lower its prices, forcing the rest of the market to fall into line. The group did not wish to speak regarding any such gesture in Belgium.



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