5 Video Game Suggestions To Satisfy The Geek In You – Urban Bible

Photo credit : Bruno Henrique @ Pexels

JPlaying video games stimulates memory, promotes learning, helps to de-stress or simply to spend fun times with family members, friends or co-workers. If you are a fan of video games, then this article is for you! Below, we present a selection of games that will certainly awaken the geek in you.

1. «Fortnite» • Eric Games • Release date: July 21, 2017

Since 2020, Fortnite is among most video games appreciated by the planet.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic that has shaken the whole world, this game seems unaffected, as it was during the crisis that he was truly revealed to the public. During this period, Fortnite totaled more than 12 million active players at any time of the day.

If this game has been so successful, it is certainly because it is playable on almostall of platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, Android, PlayStation 4, 5 et Xbox One et S.

2. «Vegas Party» • Raylight Games • 27 octobre 2009

Gambling is a habit well known to Canadiens. That’s why in second position of our selection, we have this title centered on mini-games. Although there are actual casinos on the streets of major cities Canadian, he must say that lovers of gambling are more and more seduced by the platforms of casino games on line.

Vegas Party offers an opportunity for people who are passionate regarding gambling video games to play with money virtual. However, whether you lose or win, it won’t have any incident in your assets.

If you want on the other hand test to earn money real, you can play at paid online casinos. For this, it is important to choose the right casino. Besides, the best online casinos in Canada can be found here.

3. «FIFA 22» • EA Sports • Release date: September 27, 2001

Whether you are in Quebec, in Vancouver or at Toronto, when we talk regarding video games, and particularly those in the field of sports, we first see the FIFA.

More than 25 years following the creation of the very first game in the series, this EA Sports production continues to seduce many controller football lovers.

between graphics realisticdiversity of game modes, information on the different teams updated, creation of his legendparticipation aux biggest football competitions in the world, FIFA 22 immerses you in a universe where everything is possible by practicing his favorite activity: play soccer.

That said, to enjoy this game, it is recommended that at least two people play it. The marvels of technology have made it possible to overcome the difficulties created by distance.

Whether on Console (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5) or on PC, you have the opportunity to face people located thousands of miles away from you.

4. «League of Thefolks” • Riot Games • Release Date: October 27, 2009

That you are fan of game of combat or not, you have probably already heard of the Multi Online Battle Arena (MOBA). It’s in this style of play That deploy League of Legends.

This game in particular allowed to the MOBA to be revealed in broad daylight by reaching, there is a few yearsthem 100 millions of monthly players. Although its success is no longer as important, it continues to delight people who want to experience strong penalties at the controls of a controller.

In this Concerning availability, it must be said that this game was mainly designed for PCs. However, years later the exit of this version, the publisher Riot Games has designed versions adapted to the Nintendo Switch et to mobile devices under the iOS system et Android.

5. «CrossFire» • SmileGate Entertainment • Date de sortie: 28 avril 2008

CrossFire is the Korean game whose popularity has reached insane numbers for almost 15 years. In its first years, this game had 650 million unique players. Figures that allowed him to stay for a long time at the top of the ranking of the most played by the planet.

Developed under the theme of terrorism, CrossFire plunges the player into confrontations worthy of a Hollywood film. If you haven’t had the pleasure of playing this game yet, consider doing so.!

Unlike the other games featured here, CrossFire is only available on PC.

In summary, the Internet is full of many varieties of games. Sport, gambling, first person shooter, you will not fail to find the one that suits you best.

However, it is important to know that video games are available depending on the platforms. That being saidbefore considering getting a product, make sure to download the version compatible with your favorite device.

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