California wildfires are raging…and plans to evacuate residents

A large wildfire is spreading rapidly in California, as a wave of “extreme heat” will hit tens of millions of Americans over the weekend, while meteorologists forecast record temperatures in the central and northeastern United States.

The “Oak Fire” – which authorities described as “explosive” – ​​broke out Friday in Mariposa County, near Yosemite National Park and its giant huts. It spread over an area of ​​4,800 hectares, destroying 10 properties and damaging five others, according to a report issued Saturday by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Several roads were cut off, and orders were issued to evacuate several areas, while the “extreme activity” of the fire, which more than 500 firefighters worked to combat, was not controlled, according to the same source. The Los Angeles Times quoted officials estimating that his besiegement might take up to a week. More than 6,000 people have been evacuated, a California Fire Department spokesperson said, adding that staff from all over the state are flocking to provide assistance.

California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a “state of emergency” in Mariposa County on Saturday, due to the “extreme danger to the safety of life and property.” On Sunday, Greece continued to fight three major forest fires in the north, south and east, while fears of new disasters due to the heat wave hitting the country. On the island of Lesbos, the fire that broke out on Saturday continues, and led to the evacuation of hundreds of tourists and residents of the seaside resort of Vatera, according to firefighters. ERT reported that at least four homes were destroyed. Greece has been affected by a heat wave since Saturday, which is expected to last ten days, with temperatures reaching 42 degrees Celsius in some areas, which raises fears of other fires.

Meteorologists expect maximum temperatures in southern Spain to reach 45 degrees Celsius, at a time when the country is still facing a severe heat wave since the ninth of July. The Cordoba region, located in Andalusia to the south, remains the place where temperatures are expected to reach 45 degrees. The meteorological agency explained that due to this heat wave, along with the decrease in rainfall in the Iberian Peninsula since the beginning of the year, there is a “severe” risk of fires across the country. Portugal also experiences similar levels of heat.




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