Detecting the disease at an early stage … a glimmer of hope for breast cancer patients

Women currently rely on mammograms to detect possible cancer, but a blood test may be a better alternative in the future, and British health experts say it will revolutionize healthcare.

According to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, the examination that monitors cancer cells in the blood can detect the disease at an early stage, which enhances the efficacy of treatment.

The accuracy of this test, which is called “Truth Check”, in detecting cancer cells is 92 percent, meaning that it is more accurate by regarding five points compared to the examination that is currently being conducted through radiography.

Experts believe that mammography does not always succeed in detecting breast cancer cells when they are very young, especially among young women.

The doctor and surgeon specializing in breast cancer, Kifah Mokbel, one of the participants in the medical project to develop the test, said that monitoring cells through the blood will make a fundamental change.

In the same vein, says Tim Crook, a doctor and a researcher in cancer at the private “London Clinic”, that the examination through blood may be an alternative to radiographic technology.

The doctor relies on blood testing in order to detect breast cancer in patients who go to the facility, noting that the late detection of the malignant disease leads to major problems in Britain.

When this test is performed, the nurse takes a blood sample of 5 milliliters, and then it is analyzed for the presence of so-called metastatic tumor cells.

These cells are mostly produced by cancerous tumors, and are often a strong indicator of disease.

In a pilot study that included samples from 9632 healthy women, along with 548 women with cancer, it was found that the blood test detected the disease with an accuracy of 92 percent.

The advantage of this examination also lies in its ability to detect cancer at an advanced stage of the disease, that is, when tumors have spread to other areas of the body.

And the accuracy of this blood test reached 100 percent among women who reached the third and fourth stages of the malignant disease.



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