Improving the purchasing power of Moroccans: The UGTM proposal

In a statement on the sidelines of the opening session of the forum of regional leaders of the union, held on Friday, Khadija Zoumimember of the executive committee of theUGTM indicated that the union continues to claim the improvement of the income of the Moroccan citizen since 2010. “Our main demand is to improve incomes to reduce the burden of Moroccan “, she pointed out.

For its part, Anaam Mayarathe general secretary of theUGTM of the Western region, affirmed that Morocco is going through an economic crisis as a result of multiple factors. And added that: “the current government attaches importance to the working class and the improvement of its income”.

With regard to the alternatives proposed to reduce the vagaries of the inflationary situation, Anaam Mayara said : “we ask the government to improve incomes either by increasing wages, reducing taxes or reviewing fuel prices, the increase of which affects citizen spending”.



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