Personalized and tailor-made veins, learn about the achievements of this clinical trial

Using tissue engineering techniques, a healthy vein from the deceased donor patient is used.

Dr. Andrés García León, head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service at the Valme Hospital in Seville. Photo: Courtesy of Medical Writing.

This project is a network work between several hospitals and teams involved, where they carry out the venous implant as a development of clinical trial in patients, where the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team is necessary: ​​from clinical professionals to experts in technology and regulation.

This was reported by Andrew García Leon, head of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service in the Valme Hospital in Seville and coordinator of the pioneering study in the world and landmark of Andalusian public health on the implantation of venous segments.

Using tissue engineering techniques, “we take a vena health of patient deceased donor, which would generally not have any use for other types of reconstructions” and the cell of said donor is eliminated with a bioreactor. Subsequently, “we decellularized the vein healthy” and when we have a recipient, we perform a peripheral blood extraction, “like when blood is donated”, and with it in the bioractor it is re-implanted. one of their own,” Garcia explains.

In addition, following discharge, scheduled two or three days following the intervention, the patient has to follow an anticoagulant treatment for one year, during which time the functionality of the transplant is checked, and where a follow-up is carried out to check the viability of this vascular segment that has been implanted.

How are they identified? patients adequate?

Candidate patients are patients who come to the consultation of Angiology y Vascular surgery and, by means of an ultrasound, a femoral vein dysfunction and they are diagnosed with one, they are diagnosed with deep venous insufficiency. “Subsequently, you have to rule out a series of risk factors to be able to be operated”, adds the doctor.

The trial, which is currently in phase I in spainfollowing receiving authorization from the Medicines and Health Products Agency in December 2020, he has already made his first intervention in the Hospital Virgen de las NievesCollaborating Research Center. The full study will include 14 more patients, aged between 18 and 75, with venous insufficiency chronic venous system deep.

This therapy, according to Garcia Leon“offers a guarantee of success in the future”, since “to date the only therapeutic route that might be offered to these patients was to take for life an elastic compression stocking strong or unsuccessful attempts at surgical reconstruction of the valves of a diseased vein“.

consulted source here.



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