Acoustic robotic arm that levitates objects with ultrasound


Acoustic robotic arm that levitates objects with ultrasound

LeviPrint is a robotic arm equipped with a sound flotation device using ultrasonic waves, developed by UpnaLab, a research institute affiliated with Navarra State University in Spain. The secret to floating is the application of tractor beam technology. A small speaker is placed on a slightly concave surface like a plate and the object is floated through a device that vibrates the air with ultrasonic waves.

What is interesting is that the ultrasonic wave shape is changed by the floating object. visualization can be done. Since Reviprint can manipulate long and thin objects, it uses an optimized algorithm for this purpose. It is said that it is possible to float multiple objects. If magnetic force is used, only parts that respond to magnetic force such as iron can move, but if it is an ultrasonic wave, it can be moved by moving its arm while floating freely. Because non-contact is possible without human hand intervention, it can be used in medical or research fields without worrying regarding inadvertent breakage. Related content this placecan be checked in

Reporter Lee Seok-won

After passing through the monthly AhaPC and HowPC magazine eras, he has been watching the ‘tech era’ in online IT media such as GDNet, E-Newspaper Internet Manager, Consumer Journal Everse Editor, Tech Holic Publisher, and Venture Square Editor-in-Chief. I am curious regarding this market that is still changing with vitality.



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