Lebanon and slipping into the unknown | Dr.. Khalil Hussein

There is a set of facts and facts that indicate that Lebanon is moving at a steady pace towards the unknown, as the political situation has deteriorated further, and the financial and economic indicators have become due to a comprehensive collapse, in addition to the sharp vertical division related to visions of possible solutions.
As for the formation of the government, there are no serious indications that contribute to the imminence of reaching a new government. Rather, there is talk regarding the faltering efforts and an undeclared agreement not to form a government for the remainder of the presidential term, due to the intersection of the interests of most of the actors to reach the presidential vacuum as an opportunity to invest in other countries. A tendency towards the possibility of reaching an environment that would pave the way for the establishment of a new political and social system, at least emanating from the environment of the Taif Agreement with some modifications, which will determine the image and nature of the next president. There are those who say that this image is conditional on reaching it through a presidential vacuum and if necessary also a kind of security chaos as a means to exert pressure in order to force acceptance of the proposed solutions, and there are those who confirm this as a stereotype of what happened in 1988 following the end of President Amin Gemayel’s term and the appointment of a leader The army was then the current president, Michel Aoun, as prime minister.
There are those who consider that this option is the best possible, as it keeps the current government by virtue of the caretaker’s reality, and at the same time it is the one who will take over the powers of the President of the Republic if he decides to leave the palace on the 31st of next October. But if the current president does not leave the presidential palace on the basis that there is no genuine government to rule in the event of a presidential vacuum, a matter that will leave dangerous repercussions on the already dire reality.
In the socio-economic aspect, the situation is not in the best condition. There is a further deterioration of the national currency once morest foreign currencies and to unprecedented levels, coupled with the growing manifestations of destitution and poverty, which exceeded ninety percent, at a time when the manifestations of mass emigration of the Lebanese increased, which fundamentally threatens the nature of the social and demographic structure to the Lebanese reality.
The other, most severe and dangerous aspect is the open general strike organized by public sector employees six weeks ago at a time when the government was unable to reach solutions that would satisfy its citizens, and the strike of this sector affected most other sectors until all public and private sectors seemed to be in complete paralysis.
The structure of the current system following the recent parliamentary elections did not produce anything new capable of taking Lebanon and its people out of this whirlpool. Rather, it produced strange and wondrous understandings capable of re-establishing control over many joints of the government, as if an agreement had been made between these forces that they should be permanently in need of some without Some of them were able to single out a solution they deem to be singular, so that they remain in constant need of each other.
Today, Lebanon is going through its worst crisis ever, and it is slipping into a bottomless abyss, at a time when the world is preoccupied with its countless crises. It seems that the Lebanese are no longer able alone to determine their future and their destiny, which makes it difficult for them and makes them easy prey at a time when they need everything. It is true that Lebanon has been constantly subject to protracted crises in its modern and contemporary political history, and it has always had the conditions to overcome its crises, But this time the matter is completely different. In fact, there are very complex regional and international circumstances, and Lebanon may witness severe collapses that are unfortunately difficult for it to overcome.



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