Minister Giorgio Jackson and mayors of the province of Concepción valued ENAP’s pilot plan for gas at a reduced price, but stated that legislation on this matter is now needed. The three communes that are part of the kickoff are San Fernando, Chiguayante and Quintero.
ENAP’s pilot plan was launched, which will operate from next week in three districts of the country, to sell gas at a lower price. The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Giorgio Jackson, added that now legislative work is required to move on.
While the mayor of Chiguayante already anticipated that now there will be a tough fight for gas cylinders and that for this it will also be necessary to legislate.
Minister Jackson arrived in the Bío Bío region as a surprise on Thursday followingnoon, and this Friday he participated in the launch of the pilot plan for gas at a fair price.
In the instance, he pointed out that “while more neighbors manage to access this benefit of buying gas at a fair price, other companies are going to have to reduce prices in order to be part of this market that was very concentrated (…) we believe that the effect is going to go far beyond the balls that ENAP can distribute”.
The mayor of Santa Juana, Ana Albornoz, said that this initiative responds to a political point that the Government wants to make. She added that she hopes that the Hualpén commune will also join, since the ENAP Bío Bío refinery is located there.
The mayor of Chiguayante, Antonio Rivas, assured that now there will be a dispute over gas cylindersbetween ENAP and the distribution companies, therefore indicated that it is necessary to legislate on the subject.
The mayor of Concepción and president of the association of municipalities of the Bío Bío region, Álvaro Ortiz, jumped on the pilot plan bandwagon and hopes that Soon it will be possible to legislate in Congress to continue advancing.
According to the preliminary schedule, ENAP reported, next week the pilot plan will begin in San Fernando, with a thousand families; the first days of August in Chiguayante, with another thousand families and later in Quintero, with the same number of beneficiaries.